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When he had done dressing himself, the bag gave another little hop, and he went to it and took out A tablecloth and a napkin. A sugar-basin full of the best loaf-sugar. Two forks, two teaspoons, two knives, and a pair of sugar-tongs, and a butter-knife all marked G. A teacup, saucer, and slop-basin. A jug full of delicious cream. A canister with black tea and green.

"You make me feel all thumbs, watching me so!" she protested. "I like to watch you," he answered undisturbed. "Here, we'll put this plate on the arm of my chair, so. Then we can both use it. Your scones on that side, and mine on this, and my butter-knife between the two, like Prosper Le Gai's sword, eh?" Susan's color heightened suddenly; she frowned.

I'm glad she sent it in money." "So am I. 'T isn't a butter-knife, anyhow." "How do you mean?" inquired Laura. "Why, Mr. Lang was telling last night about his clerk. He said he bought a pair of butter-knives for his clerk Hillman, hearing that he was to be married, and got them marked.

Wade went down to breakfast with an heroic appetite. His "Merry Christmas" to Mrs. Purtett was followed up by a ravished kiss and the gift of a silver butter-knife. The good widow did not know which to be most charmed with.

It had been about the parrot, about her want of punctuality, about his using the butter-knife for the marmalade, about a pair of slippers he had lost at Christmas, about the education question, and her dressmaker's bill, and his friend George, and the next-door dog The mutual friend cuts short the catalogue.

The butter-knife was genuine, shining, solid silver, with her initials, M.B.P., Martha Bilsby Purtett, given in luxuriant flourishes; but then the kiss had such a fine twang, such an exhilarating titillation! The late Perry's kisses, from first to last, had wanted point. They were, as the Spanish proverb would put it, unsavory as unsalted eggs, for want of a moustache.

This stately word meant six old teaspoons, very thin and bright and sharp, and a butter-knife, whose handle set forth that it was "A testimonial of gratitude, for saving the life of Ithuriel Jobson, aged seven, on the occasion of his being attacked with quinsy sore throat." Miss Petingill was very proud of her knife.

It is the duty of those at the head and foot of the table to offer it. To blow soup to cool it, or to pour tea or coffee into a saucer for the same purpose, are acts of awkwardness never seen in polite society. Wait until they are cool enough to be pleasant. Use the salt-spoon, butter-knife, and sugar-tongs even when you are alone. If you want to cough, sneeze, or blow your nose, leave the table.

"Wh-why do you think that?" he asked, nervously fingering his butter-knife. "It's tough luck to have to give away a diamond that's worth three or four times as much as the Koh-i-noor," I said. "Suppose you owned a stone like that. Would you care to give it away?" "Not by a damn sight!" cried Wilkins, forcibly, and I noticed great tears gathering in his eyes.

Sister's forgotten the butter-knife no! here 'tis That woman's an angel nothing less an angel in a last season's bonnet and a shabby gown Hah! practical angels couldn't use wings they'd be in the way in the kitchen ham and eggs gravy fit for gods to eat and not to worry again where next week's victuals are to come from!"