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Then, while one of them remained on guard with the revolver, the other three proceeded to ransack the place, pulling out the bureau-drawers and kicking the contents this way and that, grabbing every scrap of writing they could find and jamming it into a couple of suit-cases.

According to the stories told by Ritter, Coulter and Paxton the articles stolen had been taken from their bureau-drawers, and that was all those cadets could tell about the mysterious affair. "We must set a strict watch, Captain Putnam," said George Strong. "And we must catch that thief," added Josiah. Crabtree, sourly. "I I shall be almost afraid to go to sleep after this!" he added nervously.

I quietly, very quietly, put away some little moneys that lay about, locked up nearly all my small stock of silver and my scanty jewelry, locked my bureau-drawers, counted unobtrusively the weekly proceeds of the washing, and was extremely watchful against the least alteration of my manner towards my poor pretty maid.

It was a serious one, I saw, and now and then the movements I watched gave evidence of frantic haste, but their character stood unrevealed till suddenly the thought came: "She is rummaging bureau-drawers and emptying boxes, in other words, packing a bag or trunk." Should I be witness to a flight?

Manvers saw all this, but said nothing; she knew that her daughter had wasted time enough to have mended all her pantalets, and she added another hour to the already long account of wasted minutes in her memorandum. The following day was Friday, and it was part of Emily's duties on this day to arrange her bureau-drawers and put her closet in order.

The search for the key was not exactly systematic. Neither of the girls felt at liberty to open bureau-drawers or pry into closets and trunks. Besides, as Cynthia wisely suggested, it was not likely that any one would lock a door so carefully and then put the key in a drawer or trunk or on a shelf.

Nothing inhabited those beds that was not sweet and fair and old-fashioned. Gray-lavender-bushes sent up purple spikes in the middle of the garden and were duly housed in winter, but these were the sole tender plants admitted, and they pleaded their own cause in the breath of the linen-press and the bureau-drawers that held Miss Lucinda's clothes.

In about half an hour the boys went up to their own room, where they lighted the gas, and, opening their trunks, placed the contents in the bureau-drawers. "Blessed if it don't seem strange," said Dick, "for a feller brought up as I have been to live in this style. I wonder what Miss Peyton would have said if she had known what I had been." "You haven't any cause to be ashamed of it, Dick.

So they rode back to the inn for their supper, hurried their belongings into the trunk, and moved bag and baggage into the new house at nine o'clock on Saturday night. While Leslie and her aunt were up-stairs putting away their clothes from the trunk into the new closets and bureau-drawers, Allison brought in a few kindlings, and made a bit of a fire on the hearth; and now he called them down.

She unpacked her clothes, and hung up her dresses in the wardrobe and cupboard, and put things neatly away in the bureau-drawers. She placed her mother's picture on a small table, and looking at it critically, she concluded that it was like Aunt Grace, but much prettier. After this, Patty looked round the great room with much interest. It seemed to contain a perfect hodge-podge of furniture.