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But the whole question of the Philharmonic was involved, and this invitation was a flag of truce, as it were." "Your metaphors certainly have a warlike flavour, Dr. Foxmore; I cannot pretend to follow the workings of your mind. But seeing that this invitation has been secured at the expense of such effort on the part of Dr. Bulling and yourself, I rather think I shall decline it."

Her pride in him, her joy in him, and her quiet appreciation of him, were evident to all, so evident, indeed, that after a few words Dr. Bulling took himself off. "Brute!" said Barney as the doctor retired. "Why, I am sure he seems very nice," said Iola, raising her eyebrows in surprise. "Nice!" said Barney contemptuously.

He sprang up, threw back his shoulders as if adjusting them to a load, gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and together they set off down the lane, the shadow a little lighter as each felt the other near. "Are you going to Trinity convocation tomorrow?" asked Dr. Bulling of Iola. They were sitting in what Iola called her studio.

The duration of this bulling depends entirely on what work they are doing; camels running in the bush without work will remain perhaps three months on season, and a horrible nuisance they are too, for they fight anything they come across, and will soon turn a peaceful camp of unoffending camels into a pandemonium.

It was time this young girl with her absurd pretensions were given to understand the magnitude of the favour that Dr. Bulling and himself were seeking to confer upon her. He became brutal. "Well, all I say is that if you know when you are well off, you'll take this chance." Iola rose with easy grace and stood erect her full height. Dr. Foxmore had not thought her so tall.

There was evidently nothing left but to do what he could with the market, and by methods best known to himself he succeeded in bulling the stock so that he was able to unload at three dollars and a half.

Bring me a little brandy, someone," said Dr. Trent. "A more cowardly brute I've never seen. You're a disgrace to the profession, Bulling." "Oh, thanks. I don't need your credentials, Trent," said Bulling cynically. But Trent, ignoring him, devoted himself to Barney, who showed signs of reviving. It was some minutes, however, before he could sit up.

Armour and his pig-buyers had been around with lanterns all night hunting up the owners and bulling the market. "To think," said Armour to Morris, "to think of your coming all the way from Bavaria hoping to get the start of me!" Both men smiled serenely. The next week whole train-loads of pigs were coming to Chicago consigned to Nelson Morris.

Here a burst of laughter from Considine and O'Malley interrupted the reader, who with the greatest difficulty could be persuaded that he was again bulling it. "The devil fly away with it," said he; "I'll never succeed." "Never mind," said O'Malley, "the first part will do admirably; and let us now turn our attention to other matters."

It was impossible to soften the blow, and he could only put it bluntly. 'He's been gambling on the Stock Exchange, and he's been badly let down. He was bulling a number of South American railways, and there's been a panic in the market. He's lost enormously. I don't know if any settlement can be made with his creditors, but if not he must go bankrupt.