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I am not going to die. Go dig some worms and I will show you the liveliest corpse that ever caught a mess of bullheads," and the boy dropped the shoe and went out winking and laughing as though he was having plenty of fun, and Uncle Ike went to a mirror and looked at himself to see if he was really alive.

"Yes, sir," said the boy, interrupting the old man, "it feels just like going home with a girl from a party, and she accidentally touches you, and it goes all up and down you, and he swallows the bait, and you pull him out and have to take a jackknife and cut the hook out of his gills, and the angleworm is all chewed up, and when she looks at you as you bid her goodnight and says it was kind of you to see her home, and puts out her hand to shake you, you feel as though there was only one girl in the whole world, and when you start to go home you have to blow your fingers to keep them warm, and pry your fingers apart, but I don't like to scale 'em and clean 'em, but when they are fried in butter with bread crumbs, and you have baked potatoes, gosh, say, but you can't sleep all night from thinking maybe the next party you go to some other boy will ask her if he can't see her home, but I like bullheads better than sunfish, don't you, Uncle Ike?" and the boy went on filling his tomato can with worms.

The average boy is a still fisherman, which means not only that he must keep still, but that his bait remains in one place instead of being trolled or cast about. The usual strings of fish that boys catch, such as perch, sunfish, bullheads, catfish, and whitefish, are called pan fish. This is not entirely a correct name as I have seen some catfish that it would take a pretty big pan to hold.

A number of darkies were fishing for bullheads, and boys of three colors besides the Mexicans and a lone Chinaman clambered over the trees and the boats along the shore. It was a moment of suspense for Phillipps. His reputation as an engineer and a constructor of boats hung in the balance. He also had some original ideas about a rudder which had been incorporated in this boat.

He saw the imbedded rock Frane had spoken of. Then he saw the fish basking in the water below the rock's edge. It was almost two feet long, with a big head and goggle eyes, and the "whiskers" Frane had spoken of wriggled back and forth in the slow current. Russ grew excited. "Why!" he whispered to Frane, "I could grab it, if I tried. It is just like what we call bullheads up in Pineville.

That night at a spot which is now plow-land, I have no doubt, I listened to the frogs and prairie-chickens while I caught a mess of chubs, shiners, punkin-seeds and bullheads in a little pond not ten feet broad, within a hundred yards of my wagon, and then rolled them in flour and fried them in butter over my fire, wondering all the time about the woman I had seen coming eastward on the road ahead of me.

So, Helen and Kenneth, you mustn't ever call any one any names, an' specially you mustn't call 'em 'bullheads, cause bears will come out of the woods an' eat you all up, and it's very unpolite, too." Helen looked awed, and Kenneth unbelieving. "Ain't any bears," he said, stoutly. "You mustn't inkerrupt the Sunday school," said Zaidee, severely.

For a long time she stood looking at the stream and she resolved that the night should not pass without an effort on her part to make the old dream come true. When she again looked up the laborer had built a little fire of sticks at the edge of the stream. "We catch bullheads here," he called. "The light of the fire draws them close to the shore.

But that wasn't why I was so proud of it. It was because that cistern was jest plumb full of fish bullheads and red horse and sunfish and other kinds. Hank's father had built that cistern. And one time he brung home some live fish in a bucket and dumped em in there. And they growed. And they multiplied in there and refurnished the earth.

Tessibel then crossed to the opera-house. "Does ye want any fish?" she smiled, showing her white teeth. "No," replied Jordan. "What have you?... Eels?" "No, nothin' but bullheads and suckers." Dan looked about, grinning upon the sophomores. "There's enough of them here already.... I want some eels " The sophomores pretended not to hear.