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"I've had a splendid time, an' I'm real obleeged to ye. I sh'll try to larn that story by heart, 'bout the bold Buckle-oh. I want to tell it to Pink! She'd like it oh, my! wouldn't she like it, jest like I mean jest like spellin'! Good by, Miss Hildy!"

"And what shall I call him, Pink? Let us each think of a name, and then choose the best." There was a pause, and then Bubble said, "Call him Scott, after the bold Buckle-oh!" "Or Will, for 'the wily Belted Will," said Pink, who was as inveterate a ballad-lover as her brother. "I think Jock is a good name," said Hildegarde, "Jock o' Hazeldean, you know. I think I will call him Jock."

"I'd ha' killed Lord Scroope!" he cried, "him and the hull kit of 'em. Besides," he added, "I'd like t' ha' lived then jest ter see him, jest ter see the bold Buckle-oh; that's what I call a man!" And Queen Hildegardis fully agreed with him. They had nearly reached the house when the boy asked: "If that king was her brother, why did she treat him so kind o' ugly? My sister don't act that way."

"Oh!" cried Bubble, hopping up and down in his chair, regardless of the sprained ankle. "Oh, I say, Miss Hildy! I dunno what to say! Wouldn't he ha' liked it, though? My! 'twas jest like himself. Jes' exactly what he'd ha' done." "What who would have done, Bubble?" asked Hilda, laughing. "Why, him! Buckle-oh!" said the boy.

"Oh, please!" he cried; "the one about the bold Buckle-oh!" Hilda laughed merrily. "The bauld Buccleugh?" she repeated. "Oh! you mean 'Kinmont Willie. Yes, indeed, you shall have that. It is one of my favorite ballads, and I am glad you like it." "Oh, I tell yer!" cried Bubble.