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From above comes the elevator of the angle of the mouth; from the region of the cheek-bone slant downwards the two zygomatics, which carry the angle outwards and upwards; from behind comes the buccinator, or trumpeter's muscle, which simply widens the mouth by drawing the corners straight outward; from below, the depressor of the angle; not to add a seventh, sometimes well marked, the "laughing muscle" of Santorini.

"It reminds me," said Vincenz, "of that delightful meal in Katzenberger's Badereise, and of the poor exciseman who has almost to choke himself with the bites of food which are slid to him over the 'Trumpeter's muscle, the Buccinator, although that scene would not be of much service to Sylvester for a new piece."

When he entered, the manikin was lying on its side, and the muscles of the face, having been loosened, caused a monstrous protrusion, and looked frightful. "What brings you here?" said Pécuchet. Foureau stammered: "Nothing, nothing at all." And, taking up one of the pieces from the table, "What is this?" "The buccinator," replied Bouvard.

Mr Dedalus struck, whizzed, lit, puffed savoury puff after Irish? I don't know, faith. Is she, Simon? Puff after stiff, a puff, strong, savoury, crackling. Buccinator muscle is... What?... Bit rusty... O, she is... My Irish Molly, O. He puffed a pungent plumy blast. From the rock of Gibraltar... all the way.

Two important muscles, the temporal, near the temples, and the masseter, or chewing muscle, are the chief agents in moving the lower jaw. They are very large in the lion, tiger, and other flesh-eating animals. On the inner side of each cheek is the buccinator, or trumpeter's muscle, which is largely developed in those who play on wind instruments.

This gentleman's nose was divided into five lobes by sarcomatous tumors weighing two pounds, occupying the external surface of the face, adherent to the buccinator muscles to which they extended, and covering the chin. In the upright position the tumors sealed the nostrils and mouth, and the man had to bend his head before and after respiration.