United States or Montenegro ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

If you take a map of the United States and leave the Atlantic sea-board States in their places; also the fringe of Southern States from Florida west to the Mouth of the Mississippi; also a narrow, inhabited streak up the Mississippi half-way to its head waters; also a narrow, inhabited border along the Pacific coast: then take a brushful of paint and obliterate the whole remaining mighty stretch of country that lies between the Atlantic States and the Pacific-coast strip, your map will look like the latest map of Australia.

This is accomplished by either painting into a thin glaze of color, administered to the whole canvas so that every brushful partakes of some of it; or by modifying the painting subsequently by transparent glazes of the same tone. The conscientious impressionist, on the contrary, produces harmony by juxtapositions of pure color.

"And you have failed," she adjoined cruelly. The painter took the miniature after which he had been working, from a table near, handed it to her with a proud obeisance, and the same moment dashed a brushful of dark paint across the face of the picture. "Thank you, sir," said Florimel, and for a moment felt as if she hated him. She turned away and walked from the study.

He was very busy putting gamboge on the curls of a lady whose petticoats, by a discreet mixture of gamboge and Prussian blue, were a most beautiful green. "Don't you think crimson-lake is pretty red for her lips?" Helena asked, resting her cheek on his thatch of yellow hair. "No, ma'am," David said briefly; and rubbed on another brushful.

"That man McCrea will claim it wasn't done during his watch," whispered Eph. "Paint on the exact present time. It's just 11.33." So Captain Jack, again chuckling, and with a fresh brushful of paint, wrote the present time on the battleship's gray side. All in a twinkling, afterward, the submarine, her manhole closed, dropped down beneath the waves.

When the last nail was driven, the last brushful of paint applied, the final item added to the long statement, the day was the last Friday in the month, and the total bill amounted to more than nine thousand dollars. "Anna," said Henry, reflectively, "it's a lucky thing for us this world was all built before we were born. Know that?

A haze had been drawn over the stars; therefore there was absolutely no light in the world. Not yet. But There it was! A pale gray streak was drawn along the very edge of the world, far, far away. It was just as though a brushful of gray paint had been dashed along that line where the earth and the sky met.

There are no such banks at the present time were no others then, and this story begins not so very many years' ago A queer, out-of-date, mouldy old barn of a bank, you would say, this Exeter for an institution wielding its influence. Not a coat of paint for half a century; not a brushful of whitewash for goodness knows how much longer.

If you take a map of the United States and leave the Atlantic sea-board States in their places; also the fringe of Southern States from Florida west to the Mouth of the Mississippi; also a narrow, inhabited streak up the Mississippi half-way to its head waters; also a narrow, inhabited border along the Pacific coast: then take a brushful of paint and obliterate the whole remaining mighty stretch of country that lies between the Atlantic States and the Pacific-coast strip, your map will look like the latest map of Australia.

The virgin surface of the snow lay glittering gold and silver in the early morning sun, with here and there, as a contrast, the long shadows of the limbs of a great oak or elm, cast as though some one had traced its pattern for fun with a brushful of the purest cobalt. There were only five dogs out that morning.