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"But suppose ye have a little iv th' useful with ye. Ye br-reak into Hogan's house some night sufferin' fr'm an incontrollable impulse to take his watch. Don't get mad, now. I'm on'y supposin' all this. Ye wudden't take his watch. He has no watch. Well, he's sound asleep. Ye give him a good crack on th' head so he won't be disturbed, an' hook th' clock fr'm undher th' pillow.

"She will not dishonor you," answered Friedrich to the unspoken question. "She'll merely br-reak your heart," completed von Sternburg, brutally. Wendell turned to Hilda in relief, to find her drawn haughtily erect before him. She did not notice his extended hands. "You doubted me," she flung at him, arrogantly. "I demand from those who love me, all or nothing."

"Land on 'is nose there, Smith!" shouted Mulcher. "Don't let 'im to ye! Play away, play away, me boy! Now huppercut 'im! Huppercut 'im, I say!" On the other side, Galton was shrieking hoarsely, "Bore in, Greer! Bore in, me lad!" and Hogan, "G'wan and mash the spalpeen's ribs! Br-reak his long nick! Cr-rush him! Why don't ye hit him on th' head and lay him out?" "Time's up!" announced Madden.

'Sir, says Mack, 'Goold Bonds, th' pride iv th' administhration, has had a fit, he says. ''Twud br-reak our hear-rts to lose our little pet, he says. 'Go, he says, 'an' take such measures as ye'er noble healin' ar-rt sug-gists, he says; 'an' may th' prayers iv an agonized foster-parent go with ye, he says.

You will br-reak Melissa's heart if she finds it out, as certainly she will. And think of the baby. You want her to have an honest father, don't you?" Bud was ground between the upper and the nether millstone. On one side of his weak will was his affection for his wife and child, and his desire to please the Baron.

Ye'll not go shnakin' off wid thim harses. Ye'll bide here till Oi come back." The other made a whimper of protest, but Irish Fallon reached out a great hairy hand and shook him roughly. "Yez moind now, an' Oi mane ut! Here ye shtay. An' av ye ain't here, ye'd bether kape on goin'. F'r th' nixt toime Oi lay eyes on ye Oi'll br-reak ye in two! An' don't ye fergit ut!"

'Well, says th' horse rayporther, 'they's a couple iv rabbits goin' to sprint around th' thrack at th' fair groun's, he says. I think 'twud be a good thing f'r rellijon if ye'd lind me tin that I might br-reak th' sin-thralled bookys that come down here fr'm Kansas City f'r to skin th' righteous, he says. 'No, says th' editor, he says, 'no horse racin' in this paper, he says.

But, he says, 'tell me whin ye thought iv throwin' up th' job, an' lavin' me br-reak into this hateful prison, he says. 'About th' year two thousan' an' eight, dear frind, says Mack. 'No, no, says Tom Reed. 'I cannot accept it, he says, pressin' Mack's hand. ''Tis too much, he says, 'an' too long, he says. "'I lave ye, he says, 'but I'll call on ye, he says.