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But the man who comes to see you every evening is wanted by the police. His name is Georges Dalbreque. He killed Bourguet the jeweller." The accusation made her start with indignation and she exclaimed: "It's a lie! An infamous fabrication of the newspapers! Georges was in Paris on the night of the murder. He can prove it." "He stole a motor car and forty thousand francs in notes."

«§ 920. Je reviens aux observations. Il en est une très importante pour la théorie de la terre, dont on peut du haut du Cramont apprécier la valeur, mieux que d'aucun autre site; je veux parler de la fameuse observation de Bourguet sur la correspondance des angles saillans avec les angles rentrans des vallées. J'ai a déj

And up to now the enquiry has revealed two things, which will appear in the papers to-morrow: first, Dalbreque is alleged to have committed a murder which created a great stir last year, the murder of Bourguet, the jeweller; secondly, on the day after his two robberies, Dalbreque was driving through Le Havre in a motor-car with two men who helped him to carry off, in broad daylight and in a crowded street, a lady whose identity has not yet been discovered."

Your name's Dalbreque, or, at least, that's the name under which you acted in The Happy Princess and under which the police are looking for you as being the murderer of Bourguet the jeweller, the man who stole a motor-car and forty thousand francs from the World's Cinema Company and the man who abducted a woman at Le Havre. All this is known and proved ... and here's the upshot.