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Well, my dear, on he went till he was almost within grip of her, cock-sure that he had nothing more to do than slip the bridle over her neck and secure her; but he made a bit of a mistake in his reckoning, for though she smelt and snoaked about him, just as if she didn't care a feed of oats whether he caught her or not, yet when he boulted over to hould her fast, she was off like a shot with her tail cocked, to the far end of the demesne, and Jack had to set off hot foot after here.

"Well, wan day I opened the sty door, an' out he boulted and away and beyant, over hill and hollo he goes till he gets to the edge of the cliff overlookin' the say, and there he meets a billy-goat, and he and the billy-goat has a division of opinion. "`Away wid yiz! says the billy-goat. "`Away wid yourself! says he. "`Whose you talkin' to? says t'other. "`Yourself, says him.

I think you know me, too, to be a hardened and a determined man. There, now, I have shut an' boulted the door an' by Him that made me, you'll never lave this house, nor go out of that door a livin' woman, unless you tell me all you know about that Tobaccy-Box. Now you know my mind an' my coorse act as you like now." "Ha, ha, ha! Do you think to frighten me?" she asked, laughing derisively.

"A great white-and-black house it is, wi' great black beams across and right up it, and gables lookin' out, as white as a sheet, to the moon, and the shadows o' the trees, two or three up and down in front, you could count the leaves on them, and all the little diamond-shaped winda-panes, glimmering on the great hall winda, and great shutters, in the old fashion, hinged on the wall outside, boulted across all the rest o' the windas in front, for there was but three or four servants, and the old lady in the house, and most o' t' rooms was locked up.

Look at thim two ridges! such a poor sthring o' praties is in it! one here an' one there an' yit we must turn up the whole ridge for that same! Well, God sind the time soon, when the right will take place, Jimmy agra!" "An' doesn't Pasthorini say it? Sure whin Twenty-five comes, we'll have our own agin: the right will overcome the might the bottomless pit will be locked ay, double: boulted, if St.

"'Tis to pay some tithe I want, says the man; and no sooner was the word out of his mouth than in we boulted betther than a score of us; for the rest all stayed about the place to act accordin' to circumstances. "'How do you do, Misther Callaghan? says our captain, 'I hope you're well, sir, says he, 'and in good health."

Consider this; he has been bred i' the WARS Since he could draw a sword, and is ill school'd In boulted language Meal and bran, together He throws without distinction. First Sen. Noble tribunes. It is the humane way: the other course Will prove too bloody; and the END of it, Unknown to the beginning. Sic. Bru. Go not home, Sic. MEET on the MARKET-PLACE,

Biddy, notwithstanding the severe blow she had got, related the night's adventure with much humor, dwelling upon her own part in the transaction with singular glee. "There's some thraicherous villin in the Bodagh's," said she, "be it man or woman; for what 'id you think but the hall-door was left lying to only neither locked nor boulted.