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When Patsy Ann awakened, the matter was explained to her, and with penitent tears she confessed her sins. "But," she said to Maria Adams, "ef you's de kin' of fo'ks dat dey mek step-mothahs out o' I ain' gwine to bothah my haid no mo'." Fifteen There was a great commotion in that part of town which was known as "Little Africa," and the cause of it was not far to seek.

"I have to go down now an' see if I can get Judy to come help to-morrow. Do you think you can undress yo'self to-night?" "Of co'se," answered the Little Colonel. Mom Beck was in such a hurry to be off that she did not notice the tremble in the voice that answered her. "Well, the can'le is lit in yo' room. So run along now like a nice little lady, an' don't bothah yo' mamma.

Why, he go out, an' he hunt up de po' shiverin', bleatin' lambs and brings 'em into de fol'. Don't you bothah 'bout de wes' plantation, sis' Lize." And Uncle Simon hobbled off down the road with surprising alacrity, leaving his interlocutor standing with mouth and eyes wide open. "Well, I nevah!" she exclaimed when she could get her lips together, "I do believe de day of jedgmen' is at han'."

He'll make me stay home from Katie's pah'ty this aftahnoon and from the matinée to-morrow and there's nothing the mattah, only I'm cross and nervous, and the moah you bothah me the hah'dah it is to stop crying!" Then ashamed of her petulant outburst, she threw her arms around his neck, and sobbed on his shoulder.

But I des' tol' huh dat no robber was n't goin' to bothah de po' niggah down in de ya'd wid de rich white man up at de house. But fin'lly I listened to huh an' sposited it yistiddy." "You 're a liar! you 're a liar, you black thief!" Oakley broke in impetuously. "You have learned your lesson well, but you can't cheat me. I know where that money came from." "Calm yourself, Mr.

There was such a puzzled expression in his sharp gray eyes that the Little Colonel laughed. Then her hand flew up to her head. "Don't you see? I've had my hair cut. I had to beg and beg befo' mothah and papa Jack would let me have it done; but it was so long, away below my waist, and such a bothah. It had to be brushed and plaited a dozen times a day." "I don't like it that way.

"Don' you bothah 'bout de chillen," she said, and she took him by the hand and led him to where the five lay sleeping calmly across the bed. "Dey was runnin' f'om home an' dey step-mothah," said she. "Dey run hyeah f'om a step-mothah an' foun' a mothah." It was a tribute and a proposal all in one.