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Let not that trouble you, replied Bostava; I know how to order matters so that she shall never come near you. According to promise, she every day prevented Cavama going down to the dungeon, where she often visited the prince; and, instead of carrying bread and water, she brought him the best wine, and the choicest victuals she could get, which were provided by her Mahometan slave.

Bostava dealt not so inhumanly by Prince Assad as she had done the first time of his confinement; his cries, complaints, and most earnest prayers to her to spare him, joined with his tears, were so moving, that she could not help being melted by them, and to weep as bitterly as himself.

If any one conceal him, and be found out, his excellency declares that he or they shall be punished with death, together with his or their children, and all who belong to the family, and his or their house or houses razed to the ground. Bostava had no sooner heard this, than she instantly shut the door, and ran as fast as she could to the dungeon to inform Assad of it.

Bostava would not return to her father's house, which was next day razed to the ground, but kept prince Assad in sight; and she, for the friendly part she had acted towards him, was admitted into the queen's service. The old man her father, and Behram, were brought before the king, who condemned them and all their families to be beheaded. They threw themselves at his feet, and implored his mercy.

When you have done, said the old man, carry him down, and bid my daughters, Bostava and Cavama, give him every day the bastinado, and allow him only a little bread morning and evening for his subsistence, sufficient just to keep him alive till the next ship departs for the Blue Sea and the Fiery Mountain, when he shall be offered up an agreeable sacrifice to our divinity.

It was so early that they met nobody in the streets; and when he came to the old man's house, he was again thrown into the dungeon. Behram acquainted the wizard with the sad occasion of his return, and the ill success of his voyage. The old rascal, upon this, commanded his two furies, Bostava and Cavama, to treat him, if possible, more cruelly than before.

She often ate and drank with him herself, and did her utmost to render his confinement as easy as possible. A few days after, as Bostava was standing at her father's door, she heard the common crier making proclamation, but, was at too great a distance to hear distinctly what it was.

Bostava and Cavama, who had been bred up in their hatred to Mussulnien, received this order with joy: they descended immediately into the dungeon, stripped Assad, and bastinadoed him so unmercifully, that the blood issued out of the wounds, and he was left almost dead. After this cruel execution, they put a piece of bread and a pot of water by him, and retired.

These three days were rendered the more remarkable by prince Assad's marriage with queen Margiana, and prince Amgrad's with Bostava, for the service she had done his brother Assad. At last the three kings, and queen Margiana, with prince Assad her husband, went to their several kingdoms.

Assad was in a terrible surprise to find himself in the hands of his old persecutors, from whom he had suffered so much, and hoped that he had been delivered; he lamented the rigour of his destiny, and trembled when he saw Bostava enter with a cudgel, a loaf, and a pitcher of water; he was almost dead at the sight of that unmerciful wretch, and the thoughts of the daily sufferings he was to endure for another year, when he was to die the most horrible of deaths.