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"Eddie and I will return Miss Prim to her bereaved parents," interrupted The Sky Pilot. "You, Blackie, and Soup Face can arrange matters with The Oskaloosa Kid. I don't care for details. We will all meet in Toledo as soon as possible and split the swag. We ought to make a cleaning on this job, boes." "You split a mout'ful then," said Columbus Blackie. They fell to discussing way and means.

Now when the woman addressed this funny kind of talk to him, he answered her in her own way, as he imagined, readily enough: "Hey diddle-diddle, the cat's in the fiddle, fe fo fi fum, chumpty-chumpty-chum, with bings on her ringers, and tells on her boes." They all listened with grave attention, as if he had said something very important. Then the woman continued: "Huanatopa ana ana quiltahou."

Probus, however, departed from there without accomplishing his mission, and the emperor sent Peter as general with some Huns to Lazica to fight with all their strength for Gourgenes. Meanwhile Cabades sent a very considerable army against Gourgenes and the Iberians, and as general a Persian bearing the title of "varizes," Boes by name.

In England and the hot old plain from Needles to Berdoo. We kept a-rambling all the time. I rustled grub, he rustled rhyme Blind-baggage, hoof it, ride or climb we always put it through. "You're a good sort," he broke off, suddenly. "There ain't many boes that would have done as much for a fellow." "It was two against one," replied Billy, "an' I don't like them odds. Besides I like your poetry.

"So long, boes!" he cried, and with a wave of his hand wheeled about and spurred back along the trail over which they had just come. Miguel and Bridge watched him for a moment, then they, too, mounted and turned away in the opposite direction. Bridge recited no verse for the balance of that day.

He enjoyed a good fight as he enjoyed little else; but presently when the first tramp succeeded in tangling his legs about the legs of his chastiser and dragging him to the ground, and the second tramp seized a heavy stick and ran forward to dash the man's brains out, Billy thought it time to interfere. Stepping forward he called aloud as he came: "Cut it out, boes!

"'This ain't no hold-up! loud he cried, As he stood beside the fair maiden's side. "'But this here gal of mine ain't heard What you Boes call the saddest word. "'The Bo, who onct had been a gent, Took off his lid and low he bent. "He saw the maiden was fed up good, So her father's wink he understood. "'The saddest word, the Bo he spoke, 'Is the dinner-bell, when you are broke."

The torch blotted out the man who held it, and turned everything the night, the woods, the storm mutters into just that one hypnotizing ball of fire suspended in the darkness. "Well, well," gasped the unknown, "a moll, swelp me! Welcome to our roost, 'bo! You hit it right. This is Hoboes' Home. There's nine 'boes of us got a shack up ahead. Welcome, ma'am. What's your line?

"It is none of my business," he said presently; "but from your general appearance, from bits of idiom you occasionally drop, and from the way you handled those two boes the night we met I should rather surmise that at some time or other you had been less than a thousand miles from the w.k. roped arena." "I seen a prize fight once," admitted Billy.

A small force was enrolled and sent to the assistance of Gurgenes. But now the Persians took the field in strength. A large army was sent into Iberia by Kobad, under a general named Boes. Gurgenes saw resistance to be impossible.