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Bob found the task of steering really difficult. "I don't think much of this," he began to say, but at the second word the bobsled struck a huge root, the riders were pitched forward, and for one desperate moment they clung to the scrubby undergrowth that bordered what they supposed was the side of the road. Then their hold loosened and they fell.

I'll get my bobsled ready and tuck you in among the blankets that spilled from your ice-boat. Then I'll drive you home." Flossie and Freddie liked this plan, and were soon snugly tucked in among their own robes, for the ice-boat had upset not far from the woodchopper's cabin.

He wanted to come back to her service, and it was with a satisfied security that he helped prepare the bobsled for the trip to town. They went early and took Mrs. Hunter with them to do some shopping for herself and Elizabeth.

Together they pulled the heavy bobsled up the hill and crossed over the hollow, taking a wagon trail that led up over another hill. "It's a long walk," admitted Bob, panting. "But wait till you see the ride we're going to get."

A brake that is made from a piece of iron bent in an angle and fastened to the side of the runners on the rear sled is the best arrangement to have. A bobsled should not cost over ten dollars complete with steering wheel, bell, and necessary iron work, which should be made at the blacksmith's. How to become a good rider The care of a horse Saddles

Grace Mason and Lillie Nevins were crying a little; but Nan had assured herself at a glance that neither of the timid ones was hurt. She now looked around, rather wildly, at Amelia Boggs' question. The fat man had utterly disappeared. Surely the bobsled, having struck him only a glancing blow, had not throw him completely off the earth!

So after every one had eaten I suggested that they sort out their dishes and wash them, and in that way I was saved all that work. We had everything done and were off to the dance by five o'clock. We went in sleds and sleighs, the snow was so deep, but it was all so jolly. Zebbie, Mr. Stewart, Jerrine, and I went in the bobsled.

The girls shrieked in chorus all but Nan herself. The stubborn, fat man, at last awakened to his danger, plunged ahead. There was a mighty collision! The fat man dived head-first into a soft snow bank on one side of the slide; the bobsled plunged into another soft bank on the other side, and all the girls were buried, some of them over their heads, in the snow. They were not hurt

And again the boys shouted, "Hooray!," together as in a chorus, not forgetting to add, "And thank you, Toyman, heaps!" Then they happened to think the bobsled was ready, but something else was missing something very necessary, too. "Now for the snow!" Jehosophat said. "I can knock together a bobsled, sonny," the Toyman replied, "But I haven't any tools to make that."

The day before, the five young men, with a bobsled filled with grocers' supplies, had driven to the point of the road nearest the cabin and a brisk unloading had followed. After their first trip to the cottage old Jean had returned to the sleigh with them, his fur cap awry, gesticulating delightedly and chattering volubly as he walked. Of a surety Mamselle Grace and her friends were welcome.