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Their father was at this time given to boar hunting in the neighbouring forest, but as he generally damaged himself against the trees and returned home on a stretcher, he ultimately abandoned himself again to the equally useful but less perilous pursuit of chemistry. If Colonel Burton's blowpipes and retorts and his conduct in private usually kept Mrs.

It is limited to some rough designs and still more rough incisions on the blowpipes, quivers and the women's combs and their earrings. Bamboo is the principal material used in making their hunting requisites, their personal ornaments and their domestic utensils. The combs are large and their teeth vary from 2 to 4 in number.

They make blowpipes, arrows and quivers from bamboo, strings from twisted vegetable fibres, ear-rings and ornamental combs for the women. Now, under my direction, they have begun to plait mats with dried grasses, as well as bags and even hats, using for the latter the fibrous part of the pandanus, and copying one of Panama which I gave them as a model.

"Oh, I see: you'd be hunting, shooting, and collecting a bit?" "Certainly." "But it's a feverish sort o' place, gentlemen, very hot. There's lot's o' dangerous and poisonous things about, and I have heard that the Injuns on the banks have a bad habit of shooting poisoned arrows from their bows, or little tiny ones from their blowpipes. Ain't it rather a mad idea?"

In pointing out the need of it to Opdyke, however, the old professor had been by no means as downright as he seemed. From above his lecture notes and his blowpipes, he kept keen eyes upon the members of his classes.

The Sakais would find but a scanty result from their hunting and shooting-, and their own lives would not be sufficiently protected if the forest did not provide them with an inexhaustible and infallible means of dealing death with their blowpipes and darts.

A complete reversal of this law is shown in that ruling the construction of blowpipes, which I have already given in a previous paper on 'The Use and Construction of the Blowpipe. In these the air supply, being under a heavier pressure, is much smaller in area than the gas inlet; and, to obtain maximum power, the air-jet requires to be enlarged in proportion to the gas pressure.

The Japanese are a child-like people easily pleased, easily grieved laughin' and cryin' jest like children. They work all day, not fast enough to hurt 'em, and at nightfall they go out and play all sorts of native games. That's a good idee. I wish that Jonesvillians would foller it. You'd much better be shootin' arrers from blowpipes than to blow round and jaw your household.

There was nothing to reflect a glint of light except a collection of weapons of all ages which occupied the wall behind a bare stone hearth; suits of inlaid armour, coats of chainmail as flexible as silk, assegais and blowpipes, Bornean parangs and Gurkha kukris, Abyssinian shotels with their double blades, Mexican knives in chert and chalcedony, damascened swords and automatic pistols, a Chinese bronze drum, a Persian mace of the date of Rustum, and an Austrian cavalry helmet marked with a bullet-hole and a stain.

With long iron blowpipes these men, by giving the blowpipe a little twirl as they thrust it into the semi-molten metal, drew out on the end of it a small mass of glass, of about the consistency of nearly melted sealing wax, and holding this mass on the end of the blowpipe by keeping it in motion, they blew it into balls and rolled the ball of soft, red-hot glass on their rolling boards.