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The next unpopular move he made was to fire a number of the old standbys who had sat in the orchestra for most of its forty-four-year history. "I vant yongk blott!" he cried in his then still very thick accent. "If dose old chentlemen vant to sleep, let dem sleep in deir houses!" The Boston music lovers didn't like it.

Sjung mer, sjung mer, det haer sa godt En stund fa glaemma verldens hvimmel Och lyss till samklang ur en oeppnad himmel, Om ock foer en minut i droemma blott: Sjung mer, sjung mer, det goer mit hjaerta godt. Your voice, how beautiful, how wonderful!

He ran away from school four times to enter a newspaper office, and finally, when the paternal Slott put him in the House of Refuge, he started a weekly in there, and called it the House of Refuge Record; and one day he slid over the wall and went down to the Era office, where he changed his name to Blott, and began his career on that paper with an article on "Our Reformatory Institutions for the Young."

He was, for instance, a great friend of Violet Williamson's and Bella Forrester's and was, at the same time, on terms of avuncular confidence with Dotty Blott of the Globe chorus. And he was exactly the same man to the three of them.