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"Jimsy," she managed not to let her teeth chatter, "it's like a play or or a Wild West tale, isn't it? Like a 'Frank Merriwell' remember when you used to adore those things?" "No, Skipper, it's not like a 'Frank Merriwell'; he could always do something...." Jimsy's strong teeth ground together. "Yes 'Blooey, blooey! Fifteen more redskins bit the dust!" "Skipper, you wonder! You brick!"

And the tree, he is not strong. When the winter come, last year, he split inside, from the frost, where the spike, he spread the grain. But the split, he does not show. When we try to cut heem down and the strain come, blooey, he, what-you-say, bust!" "But why the spikes?" "Wait!"

Ain't it a shame?" "Shocking!" "You said it! But allee samee, it's good to be moving again, ain't it? There's ginger in the air, Barry. Smells like something going to happen, to me. Good. Let 'er come! I'm tired of being fed with a medicine spoon, and only let me get a sight o' Leyden at the end of my six-gun, and blooey! Hey?" "I wish it could be, Little, but I'm afraid it won't!"

Drives round a whole lot all alone looking for the car to go blooey and a lovely stranger to happen along and fix it for her that turns out to be a duke or something in disguise. Sickening! "Two years ago she got confidential one night and told me she was going to Italy some day and get carried off to a cave by a handsome bandit in spite of her struggles. Yes, she would struggle not!

Many time I have seen it " he waved a hand "across the way, ne c'est pas? Eet is when the mind he will no work what you say he will not stick on the job. See " he gesticulated now with both hands "eet is like a wall. I see eet with the shell shock. Eet is all the same. The wall is knock down eet will not hold together. Blooey " he waved his hands "the man he no longer remember!"

"Inspector," I broke in, "I am the brother-in-law of the man who drove that car. While he was a fast driver, he was not a careless one. I've never known him to have an accident before." The little man irritated me. "That's the way it always happens," he came back at me; "they take risks a dozen times and get away with them, and then Blooey!!" "But aren't you going to find the other car?"

"What happened?" asked the uninvited volunteer. Brennan, whatever his thoughts, said in a voice filled with standard concern: "Blowout. Then everything went blooey." "Anyone I mean how many ?" "Two dead," said Brennan, and then added because he had to, "and a little boy lost." The stranger eyed the flames and shuddered. "In there?" "Parents were tossed out. Boy's missing."

Pop hates it as much as me, but he's scared to kick. Mother says vegetables contain all the proteins you want. Mother says, if you eat meat, your blood-pressure goes all blooey. Do you think it does?" "Mine seems pretty well in the pink." "She's great on talking," conceded the boy. "She's out to-night somewhere, giving a lecture on Rational Eating to some ginks.

He pointed to his head, then twisting, ran his finger down his spine. "When eet is the what-you-say, amnesia the nerve eet no work in the foot. I could tickle, tickle, tickle, and you would not know. But with you blooey right away, you feel. So, for some reason, you are, what-you-say? shamming. But you are Ba'teese' gues'. You sleep in Ba'teese' bed. You eat Ba'teese' food.

The minute they were off the harbor Zowie! Blooey! Bam! It was all over but the cheering, and they'd chucked an eight-inch projectile through a ship that was worth four of the gunboat. "Skinner, that's what I call spilling the beans. Why they didn't take their time, recapture that freighter and give her skipper a chance to hustle across to San Francisco or Honolulu and intern, is a mystery to me.