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Glennie; and muttered something, that he had as lief stand as sit, and that it should soon be Block's turn to ask sitting-room of him. I was wondering what possibly could have brought Maskew there, when the bailiff, who was ill at ease, said 'Come, Mr.

When I was young and there was women on board, they all got a little sea-sick; but nowadays, with these ball-and-socket ships, you never hear of that sort of thing. A sea-sick woman is the most natural thing I have struck yet on this cruise." Mrs. Block's uneasiness, however, did not last very long.

While waiting on the doorstep of the corner house, he raked the street right and left with searching glances, and was somewhat reassured. Apparently he called at an hour when the Boche pickets were off duty; at the moment there was no pedestrian visible within a block's distance on either hand, nobody that he could see skulked in the areas of the old-fashioned brownstone houses across the way.

They sold out their road rights to Block's brother-in-law." "By the way," said Jimmy, "who's the girl in the sextette that's quit?" "Doris Dane?" said little Alec. "Say no more. So you were on that lay, too, you old fox!" his smile widened as he looked round at Rodney, and his voice turned to a crow. "Trust this solemn old bird not to miss a bet. She was some lady, all right!

The joy of the Chief of Detectives at having thus come, as he supposed, upon the track of the missing maid, Hortense Petitpré, was somewhat dashed by the doubts freely expressed by the Judge as to the result of any search. Since Block's return, M. Beaumont le Hardi had developed strong symptoms of discontent and disapproval at his colleague's proceedings.

"Well, we did do it," he muttered. "I didn't believe it possible. Wish I had some of that grub now." "Wouldn't be surprised if Herr Block could rustle us up something to eat," said McKenzie. "He seems to be a right resourceful sort of a customer." Hal found Herr Block's quarters without difficulty.

"It was in the afternoon before, but that didn't make any difference. It was before breakfast, wastn't it?" Louise giggled. Sid kicked against the wicker seat cushion in front of him and was silent. John rubbed a clear spot on the frost-etched car window and peered into the outer darkness. "Next block's ours," he grinned, still elated at the success of his thrust. "Come on, Louise."

A man don't stand much show when the end of a inch 'n' a quarter cable snaps at him like a whiplash. I seen a feller on Howe Sound cut square in two with a cable-end once. A broken block's the worst, though. That generally gets the riggin' slinger, but a piece of it's liable to hit anybody. You see them big iron pulley blocks the haul-back cable works in?

"Well, upon my word, you've taken me a little by surprise. Let me see. Pinkle, Pinkle." Pinkle was a clerk who sat in an inner room, and Mr Tombe's effort to call him seemed to be most ineffectual. But Pinkle understood the sound, and came. "Pinkle, didn't we pay some money into Hock and Block's a few weeks since, to the credit of Mr George Vavasor?"

If you wish to see where they stood, take a walk down Broadway, and just before you reach the Bowling Green, on a house which is numbered 41, you will find a tablet of brass which tells that Block's houses stood on that self-same spot. As soon as the hard winter was over, Block and his men began to build a new ship, and before another winter had come they had one larger than the Tiger.