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It is a "blistery" ground, the presence of these growths on a rocky or gravelly bottom usually meaning good fishing. This is principally a haddock ground, with the best season from mid March to the 1st of May. This is a small-boat and gill-netting ground.

Cusk Ridge. It lies S. ½ E. 12 miles from Pumpkin Island, to 4 miles long, NE. and SW., and 1/4 mile wide. This ground is somewhat difficult to find. It has a bottom of black gravel and rocks with 30 to 60 fathoms of water over it. A "blistery" bottom that is a cod ground the year around, the best of the fishing occurring in the spring months.

The cards had been water-soaked and were bumpy and blistery where Billy Jones had dried them, even though they were flattened out again by the pressure of their tight case; but there was nothing to them, except that they were old Thompson's beyond a doubt. If I had thought there might be writing on them there was not so much as the scratch of a pencil. There seemed to be a card missing.

This ground is principally fished by trawls, but there is considerable hand lining in September and October. Gillnetting, too, has become more common of later years. Harris Ground. From 15 miles S ½ W from Monhegan island to 6 miles SSW. It has 40 to 50 fathoms over a bottom of sharp rocks and mud a "blistery" bottom. Cod, cusk and hake are found here the year around.

The woman was quaint. "I am about to begin on the left hand. You may watch me, if you care to do so." "Will it not make you embarrass?" "Why should I be embarrassed?" inquired Ruth, flushing. "I have said the wrong word," lamented the other. "Nervous, zat, that is the word." "They're not very lovely things to look at," said Percival. "All red and blistery and greasy.