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Are you soft on that chicken? Has she blarneyed you into this?" demanded his chief, rising, unsteadily, but fierce in his suspicious tensity. Taylor cowered, with imploring hands stretched out. "Why, Reg, no one ever did for me what you've done. I'd die rather than sell you out, and there ain't a dame in the world that could make me soft on a real game like this."

I blarneyed her a bit first you know my style and then I twitted her for being false to me, and then I got up a sort of pretense quarrel, and I worked on her feelings until she got into a rage, and when she was all hot and peppery, I faced right round on her, and charged her with the theft.

Then I thanked her, and blarneyed her as well as I was able, although that wasn't much, as I never have been much of a hand with women. And when she had given the permission, it struck me that I could have got it just as easily without having spent an hour and a half in the baking sun-blaze beating about the bush. But then, you see, I was so confoundedly nervous, and didn't guess that beforehand.

Would you believe that, in the spring after the book was published, a disreputable-looking vagabond with a knapsack, who turned up one day, blarneyed Andrew about his book and stayed overnight, announced himself at breakfast as a leading New York publisher? He had chosen this ruse in order to make Andrew's acquaintance.

Turn me out? she'd go down on her knees here before you all to get me back to her!" Unwilling to be involved in the brawl, the more sober of the party had begun to seek out their hats and to slink away. A little group round Schilsky blarneyed and expostulated. Why should the whole sport of the evening be spoilt in this fashion? What did it matter what the damned cranky Englishman said?

Butter!" Evidently Trooper O'Connell during the past twenty-four hours had foraged or blarneyed most successfully for out of the knapsack which he had left behind Morrison suddenly produced a small earthenware jam jar in which was something now indubitably liquid in form but none the less sweet, yellow, appetizing butter.

He knew his fine Erse people would presently need more room than there was on Earth for them. So he'd a world set aside, and marked by the sign that no least trace of a serpent could exist on it. No creature like the one that blarneyed Mother Eve could be here! No " "Our trouble's been dinies," began the president apologetically. But he froze.

I mean the one who rode over the jumps like a devil and blarneyed me afterward like an angel." The secretary arched her brows. "Do you mean the Virginian? His name was Stuart Farquaharson." "Do you know where he lives or anything else about him?" "Why, no that is, nothing in the social sense." Miss Andrews smiled quietly as she added, "I've read some of his stories in the magazines." "All right.

His parents were dead; there was no anchor, nor had lying ambition enmeshed him. There was a little property, the income from which was enough for his wants. Without any influence whatever, save his pleasing address and his wide education, he blarneyed the State Department out of a consulate.

He worried through arithmetic and algebra and blarneyed his French and German tutors into making them believe he knew more than he did, but the purely scientific aspects of learning did not interest him. It was only when he knew enough to read the great epics in the original that my patience had its reward.