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As no ants were procurable, it was fed on raw yolk of egg, which it contrived to suck in with its long tongue not enough, however, to keep it alive during the voyage. The chief engineer exhibited a live 'Tarantula, or bird-catching spider, who was very safely barred into its box with strips of iron, as a bite from it is rather worse than that of an English adder.

And Charles continued to play his part, even after the Bartholomew was over, for he was fond of saying with a laugh, "My big sister Margot caught all those Huguenot rebels in the bird-catching style. What has grieved me most is being obliged to dissimulate so long." His contemporary Catholic biographer, Papirius Masson, who was twenty-eight years old at the time of the St.

I now found that the village we were going to was miles away; that we should have to go out to sea, and round a rocky point. The people there were said to be good, and to be accustomed to hunting and bird-catching, being too far inland to get any part of their food from the sea.

We may see the mygale, or bird-catching spider, at the end of his strong net-trap, among the thick foliage; and the tarantula, at the bottom of his dark pitfall, constructed in the ground.

In the one he bred his ducks and fowls; the other he cultivated according to the strictest precepts of Cato, Varro, and Columella. He spent his holidays in fishing or bird-catching in the Campagna, or in feasting by some shady spring or on the banks of the Tiber. Wealth and luxury he despised. Free himself from envy and uncharitable speech, he would not suffer them in others.

I remarked incidentally that there were some who looked with unfriendly eyes on his occupation, and that, sooner or later, these people would try to get an Act of Parliament to make bird-catching in lanes, on commons and waste lands illegal. "They can't do it!" he exclaimed excitedly. "And if they can do it, and if they do do it, it will be the ruination of England.

The eyes, touched in with a burning yellow, had intensely black pupils, and were fixed upon the throned king with a look of beast-like hate. Imagine one of the awful bird-catching spiders of South America translated into human form, and endowed with intelligence just less than human, and you will have some faint conception of the terror inspired by the appalling effigy.

In fact, so small was the whole structure, that any one but the sharp-eyed, bird-catching, nest-seeking Francois, would have taken it for a knob on the bark of the tree. All three now returned to watch the manoeuvres of the birds, that, not having seen them by the nest, still continued playing among the flowers. The boys stole as near as possible, keeping behind a large bunch of hanging vines.

Poor little thing! she was very clever, the only one of our family thank God for the same but none the more for that guessed she what it is to lose a father. About the rest of all that winter I remember very little, being only a young boy then, and missing my father most out of doors, as when it came to the bird-catching, or the tracking of hares in the snow, or the training of a sheep-dog.

"No, my boy, it is a bird-catching spider so called because it is said to attack the humming-birds' nests and destroy the young ones." "May I catch it?" "Not with your fingers; its bite is dangerous." "One might easily fancy it was watching us, from the expression of those two big eyes near its mouth."