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His open scorn of their methods of entertaining themselves they had felt to be disgusting impudence, which would have been deservedly punished with a horsewhip, if the youngster had not been a big-muscled, clumsy oaf, with a dangerous eye.

But the self-satisfaction of the little-brained and big-muscled man who has never had a rebuff or a day's illness is cased in triple brass. Lady Holme knew this self-satisfaction well. She had seen it staring out of her husband's big brown eyes. She saw it now in the boyish eyes of Leo Ulford. She was at home with it and rather liked it.

He was beginning to like these big-hearted, big-muscled fellows, though there were those among them who were not desirable as friends. "I guess it's just the same as it is at home," decided Phil. "Some of the folks are worthwhile, and others are not." He had summed it up. Sometime before the evening performance was due to begin Phil was made up and ready for his act.

"And that's why you preach the gospel of the strong," Paula went on. "If you had been weaklings, you'd have preached the gospel of the weak and turned the other cheek. But you you pair of big-muscled giants when you are struck, being what you are, you don't turn the other cheek " "No," Dick interrupted quietly. "We immediately roar, 'Knock his block off! and then do it.

"Be sure of that," Mount Dunstan had said, setting his teeth, as he sat in his chair clasping his hands behind his head and glowering into space. Mr. Penzance quietly, speculatively, looked him over, and reflected aloud or, so it sounded. "It is a big-boned and big-muscled characteristic, but there are things which are stronger. Some one minute will arrive just one minute which will be stronger.

He whistled at his work, and the miller thought this merry-hearted lad was worth having around as an inspiration, even though he might not be as sturdy a worker as his big-muscled Toby. But Dick was possessed of indomitable pluck, and after he grew a little accustomed to the work he thoroughly satisfied his employer. At noon he heard a conch shell blown, and washing up as Mr.

"To the devil with their hairsplittings!" said I. "Let us have done with them and be at it." Falconnet was removing his coat, and I stripped mine. The seconds chose the ground where the turf was short and firm, and yet yielding enough to give good footing. We faced each other, my antagonist baring an arm which, despite the bejeweled hand, was to the full as big-muscled as my own.

'It is seven hundred miles, said I, 'to Haines Mission by the sea, and every inch of it snowshoe work. Give me the pick of your dogs and the best of your grub, and I will go. And with me shall go Passuk. "To this they were agreed. But there arose one, Long Jeff, a Yankee-man, big-boned and big-muscled. Also his talk was big.

I, Adam Strang, invariably assume my consciousness on a group of low, sandy islands somewhere under the equator in what must be the western Pacific Ocean. I am always at home there, and seem to have been there some time. There are thousands of people on these islands, although I am the only white man. The natives are a magnificent breed, big-muscled, broad-shouldered, tall.

His mother's name is Petra, and judging from her appearance she cannot be much over forty; like her son, she is ruddy and big-muscled, with a fair complexion and thick, graying hair, a veritable lion's mane. Her eyes are good companions to her hair dark, and a little worn now, but still good enough to see far and sharply across the fjord.