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"3 big-feelin' ones together," I whispered to Josiah. And he sez, "Yes, that dog is a big-feelin' little cuss-tomer. And if I wuz a chipmunk he couldn't bark at me no more than he duz." And I looked severe at Josiah and sez I, "If you don't jine your syllables closer together you will see trouble, Josiah Allen. You'll find yourself swearin' before you know it."

"He took my part, mother, when he found out how it was, and scolded his son. Shure, he's a gentleman." "Yes, Colonel Preston is a gentleman." "And that's where he isn't like his son, I'm thinkin'." "No. Godfrey isn't like his father. It's his mother he favors." "Faith, and I don't call it favoring," said Andy. Is the old lady as ugly and big-feelin' as the son?" "She's rather a hard woman, Andy.

The Hampletons and Warners were mighty big-feelin' folks, and the old squire's match mortified 'em dreadfully." "Where are they now?" gasped Hagar, hoping there might be some mistake. "There you've got me!" answered Martin. "I haven't seen 'em this dozen year; but the last I heard, Miss Warner and Rose was livin' in Leominster, and Henry was in a big store in Wooster.

Or I s'pose they wuz her relatives for they sot up straight, and wuz dretful dressed up, and acted awful big-feelin' and never took no notice of Josiah and me, no more than if we hadn't been there. But good land! I didn't care for that. What if they didn't pay any attention to us?

I wondered ag'in that she didn't introduce us. But I didn't care if she didn't. I felt that I wuz jest as good as they wuz, if they wuz so haughty. But the man rejected his overtoors and looked perfectly wooden, and oninterested. A big-feelin', high-headed creeter. Josiah Allen is as good as he is any day.

She 'lowed he was p'tendin'. He throwed his head up like he was big-feelin'. It ruffled her that anybody should be big-feelin' over a pore widder-woman that took in days' washin's, and had a pack o' triflin' boys that et her out o' house and home.

She knowed there WAS somebody else, but for the life of her she couldn't" Rachel did not quite dare to tell so gross a falsehood, and so at this point she concluded to THINK, and added suddenly, "Oh, yes, I remember now. 'Twas that tall, long-haired, scented- up, big-feelin' man they call Squire Herrin'ton's VALLY." "Victor Dupres been here!" and Grace's face lighted perceptibly.