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The great Gulf Stream which, bifurcating at the Azores, sweeps southwards with easting, now sets in our favour; it is, however, partly a wind-current, and here it often flows to the west even in winter.

Two of our canoes passed safely down a narrow channel, which, bifurcating, had an ugly whirlpool at the rocky partition between the two branches, the deep hole in the whirls at times opening and then shutting. The Doctor's canoe came next, and seemed to be drifting broadside into the open vortex, in spite of the utmost exertions of the paddlers.

I stood, scarcely daring to breathe, and looked about me. There was no matting on the floor, no fire on the hearth. The hall felt cold, damp, and uninhabited. The state staircase rose in front of me, and presently bifurcating, formed a gallery round the place. I looked up, and up, and far above me, in the dim heights of the second floor, I espied a faint light perhaps, the reflection of a light.

ENCKE. A regular ring-plain, 20 miles in diameter, with a comparatively low border, nowhere rising more than 1800 feet above the interior, which is depressed some 1000 feet below the surrounding Oceanus Procellarum. A lofty ridge traverses the floor from S. to N., bifurcating before it reaches the N. wall.

There is indeed some kind of double personality in us all which is perhaps more observable in strongly-marked characters like De Lamennais, where, so to say, the bifurcating lines are produced further. Proud men have occasional moods of genuine humility; and habitual bitterness is allayed by intervals of sweetness; and conversely, there are ugly streaks in the fairest marble.

But a second look will show that it is divided by a bifurcating channel, of which the northern arm is about one mile and three-quarters in width, with an average depth of 125 fathoms, and the southern one three-quarters of a mile wide, and rather less deep.

Situated as they are, between the bifurcating portions of the suspensory ligament and the posterior part of the distal end of the metacarpus with which they articulate the sesamoid bones serve to change the course of the branches of the suspensory ligament in a manner that they give firm support to this joint. Volar flexion is limited by the extensors of the phalanges.

After penetrating 34 feet from the entrance, Mr. Dawkins found the cave bifurcating into two branches, one of which was vertical. When I examined the spot in 1860, after I had been shown some remains of the hyaena collected there, I felt convinced that a complete revolution must have taken place in the topography of the district since the time of the extinct quadrupeds.

The greater part of it consisted of gorse-clad chalk down, the last subsiding spur of that great upland range which, starting from the central boss of Salisbury Plain, runs right across the face of Surrey and Kent, and, bifurcating near Canterbury, falls sheer into the sea at the end of either fork by Ramsgate or Dover.

And in this same archipelago, Mahlos-Mahdoo atoll is divided by a bifurcating channel from 100 to 132 fathoms in depth, in such a manner that it is scarcely possible to say whether it ought strictly to be called three separate atolls, or one great atoll not yet finally divided.