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But if what lies below the horse's "knee" thus corresponds to the middle finger in ourselves, what has become of the four other fingers or digits? We find in the places of the second and fourth digits only two slender splint-like bones, about two-thirds as long as the cannon-bone, which gradually taper to their lower ends and bear no finger joints, or, as they are termed, phalanges.

But if what lies below the horse's "knee" thus corresponds to the middle finger in ourselves, what has become of the four other fingers or digits? We find in the places of the second and fourth digits only two slender splint-like bones, about two-thirds as long as the cannon bone, which gradually taper to their lower ends and bear no finger joints, or, as they are termed, phalanges.

The diagnostician should take note of local manifestations of hypersensitiveness, or heat if such exist, and, in addition, other conditions must be excluded before definite conclusions are possible. Periarticular ringbone is characterized by exostoses which are situated on the sides of the phalanges and not extending around to the anterior part of the joint.

Que la paix enfin nous rallie! Plus d'ingrats ni de mecontens, O triomphe de la patrie! Plus de Francais indifferens. bis. "Revenez phalanges guerrieres, Heros vengeurs de mon pays, Au sein d'une epouse, d'un pere, De vos parens, de vos amis, Revenez dans votre patrie Apres tant d'effrayans hazards, Trouver ce qui charme la vie, L'amitie, l'amour, et les arts. bis.

The thigh bone corresponds to the humerus; the tibia and fibula to the ulna and radius; the ankle to the wrist; and the metatarsus and the phalanges of the foot, to the metacarpus and the phalanges of the hand. The bones of the lower limbs may be thus arranged: Thigh: Femur, or thigh bone, Lower Leg: Patella, or knee cap, Tibia, or shin bone, Fibula, or splint bone,

He lifted his right hand, which hitherto he had kept concealed by his side, and Oliva shut her eyes and felt deathly sick. "Right index digit and part of the phalanges shot away," said Milsom philosophically. "That was my trigger-finger but he shot first. Give me a drink!" They brought him a bottle of wine, and he drank it from a long tumbler in two great breathless gulps.

The upper half of the radius cannot be felt because it is so covered by muscles; the lower half is more accessible to the touch. The three rows of projections called the "knuckles" are formed by the proximal bones of the several joints. Thus the first row is formed by the ends of the metacarpals, the second by the ends of the first phalanges, and the third by the ends of the second phalanges.

The poor religious excused themselves by saying that I had ill-treated their porter, which made my noble friends laugh; but I did not laugh, for my wound was very painful. However I was immediately moved into two of their best guest-rooms. The ball had pierced my hand by the metacarpus under the index finger, and had broken the first phalanges.

The phalanges of the hands and feet, after being clean-scraped, were restored to their places, and wrapped with thin layers of arsenicated cotton, as is done to small animals, yet on the seventh day decomposition set in; it was found necessary to unsew the skin, and again to turn it inside out. The bones ought to have been removed, and not replaced till the coat was thoroughly dry.

Beyond lay the Alban Mountains, and, beyond these, no one knew where, the strange dangers that awaited them: fierce Spaniards with slender blades as red as the crimson borders of their white coats; wild Numidian riders that always fell upon the rear of Rome's battle; serried phalanges of Africans, veterans of fifty wars; naked Gauls with swords that lopped off a limb at every stroke; Balearic slingers whose bullets spattered one's brains over the ground; Cretans whose arrows could dent an aes at a hundred yards; and above all, over all, the great mind, the unswerving, unrelenting purpose that had blended all these elements into one terrible engine of destruction to move and smite and burn and ravage at the touch of a man's will.