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From this point of view the Virgin Mary, even if we regard her only as a symbol, is supremely great above every other type, whether Hindoo, Egyptian, or Greek. Virginity, the mother of great things, magna parens rerum, holds in her fair white hands the keys of the upper worlds. In short, that grand and terrible exception deserves all the honors decreed to her by the Catholic Church.

As we meditate upon this deadly, implacable struggle which nature imposes, for their preservation, on these different creatures, which are by turns possessors and dispossessed, devourers and devoured, a painful impression mingles with the wonder aroused by the means employed by each parasite to attain its end; and, forgetting for a moment the tiny world in which these things happen, we are seized with terror at this concatenation of larceny, cunning and brigandage which forms part, alas, of the designs of alma parens rerum!

"Monsiuer le Marquis will excuse me," replied Rostain with a melancholy smile, "if I do not share his illusions; in the first place, the hunter devours and does not eat; he brings to the table the stomach of a man just saved from shipwreck, iratum ventrem, as Horace says, and swallows up without choice and without reflection, gulæ parens, the most serious productions of an artist; in the second place, the violent exercise of the chase has developed in such guests an inordinate thirst, which they generally slake without moderation.

The Narrative in the Authors own words, is this. Ego (sayes he) sanctè affirmare possum me unam aureo Annulo inclusam perpetuo gestare, cujus facultatem (si gemmæ est) nunquam satis admirari potui. Gestaverat enim ante Triginta annos Hispanus quidam non procula puternis ædibus habitans. Is cum vitâ functus esset, & ipsius suspellex (ut moris apud nos est) venum exposita esset, inter cætera etiam Turcois exponebatur. Verum nemo (licet complures eo concurrissent, ut eam propter Coloris Elegantiam, quam vivo Domino habuerat emerent) sibi emptam voluit, pristinum enim nitorem & Colorem prorsus amiserat, ut potius Malachites, quam Turcois videretur. Aderat tum temporis gemmæ habendæ desiderio etiam parens & frater meus, qui antea sæpius gratiam & elegantiam ipsius viderant, mirabundi eam nunc tam esse deformem, Emit eam nihilominus pater, satisque vili pretio, qua omnibus contemptui erat, ac presentes non eam esse quam Hispanus gestarat, arbitrarentur. Domum reversus Pater, qui tam turpem Gemmam gestare sibi indecorum putabat, eam mihi dono dat, inquiens; Quandoquidem, fili mi, vulgi fama est, Turcoidem, ut facultates suas exercere possit, dono dari debere tibi eam devoveo, ego acceptam Gemmam sculptori trado, at gentilitia mea insignia illi, quamadmodum fieri solet, in Jaspide Chalcedono, aliisque Ignobilioribus Gemmis, insculperat. Turpe enim existimabam, hujusmodi Gemmâ ornatus gratia, dum gratiam nullam haberet, uti. Paret Sculptor redditque Gemmam, quam gesto pro annulo Signatorio. Vix per mensem gestaram, redit illi pristinus color, sed non ita nitens propter Sculpturam, ac inæqualem superficiem. Miramur omnes gemmam, atque id præcipuè quod color indies pulchrior fieret. Id qui

M. de Rubempre, will you recite Saint John in Patmos for us, or Belshazzar's Feast, so that his lordship may see that Rome is still the Magna Parens of Virgil?" The women exchanged smiles at the Latin words. The bravest and highest spirits know times of prostration at the outset of life.

I doubt not but he had Virgil in his eye, for we find many admirable imitations of him, and some parodies, as particularly this passage in the fourth of the AEneids "Nec tibi diva parens, generis nec Dardanus auctor, Perfide; sed duris genuit te cautibus horrens Caucasus, Hyrrcanaeque admorunt ubera tigres:" which he thus translates, keeping to the words, but altering the sense:

'Lich, a dead carcase; whence Lichfield, the field of the dead, a city in Staffordshire, so named from martyred Christians. Salve magna parens. It is curious that in the Abridgment of the Dictionary he struck out this salutation, though he left the rest of the article. The Rev.

"Frigida Francisci lapis hic tegit ossa Petrarcae; Suscipe, Virgo parens, animam; sate Virgine, parce Fessaque jam terris Coeli requiescat in arce."

Mon Papa, ma Tante, et le monsieur dent men frere avoit parle, furent tous assembles dans le Salon, et en peu de temps je m'y rendis aussi. C'est souvent l'ordre du Ciel que quand on a perdu un plaisir il y en a un autre pret a prendre sa place. Ainsi je venois de partir de tres-chers amis, mais tout a l'heure je revins a des parens aussi chers et bon dans le moment.

It is this: any provision made by the "State" for education, must refer to the poor and otherwise unprovided, and be justified on the grounds of the State standing to these classes in loco parentis; beyond this, though the State, as to "charitable uses," may be defined parens patria, yet, as to the people at large, it has nothing to do with their education whatever.