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In loco parentis ye are? Well, I've not forgotten my Latin either, an' I'll say to you: 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes. If the masters trespass, how can we blame the boys?" "But if I could speak to you privately," said Prout. "I'll have nothing private with you! Ye can be as private as ye please on the other side o' that gate an' I wish ye a very good afternoon." A second time the gate clanged.

And yet to him, the uncle, to him who had not long since been in loco parentis to the lord, the lord would vouchsafe no further reply than that above given! The rector almost made himself believe that, great as might be the sorrow caused by such disruption, it would become his duty to quarrel with the Head of his family!

Only show me how, and I'm perfectly at your service. Any thing from riding postillion on the leaders to officiating as brides-maid, and I am your man. And if you are in want of such a functionary, I shall stand in 'loco parentis' to the lady, and give her away with as much 'onction' and tenderness as tho' I had as many marriageable daughters as king Priam himself.

But I hope, young man, ye deal na rashly in this matter? I hope ye hae secured the approbation of your ain friends and allies, particularly of your uncle, who is in loco parentis?

"What, then, are the powers of a guardian? To express this in the simplest way, so that you can understand those powers perfectly, a guardian stands, as the law has it, in loco parentis which means that he is the same as a father. The father dies; he perpetuates his authority by handing it over to another. He is not dead, then.

We've come to jape with you. Come on, Beetle. They're all at home. You can wind 'em." "Where's the Pomposo Stinkadore? 'Tisn't safe for a pure-souled, high-minded boy to be seen round his house these days. Gone out, has he? Never mind. I'll do the best I can, Rattray. I'm in loco parentis just now." "I have a few words to impart to you, my young friend. We will discourse together a while."

This man and Mr Bennett knows it, because he was incrusted with the leprosy of cowardice, and because upon him lay the blood of those to whom he should have been in loco parentis, made a solitude wherever he appeared, men ran from him as from an incarnation of pestilence; and between him and free intercourse with his countrymen, from the hour of his dishonour in the field, to the hour of his death, there flowed a river of separation there were stretched lines of interdict heavier than ever Pope ordained there brooded a schism like that of death, a silence like that of the grave; making known for ever the deep damnation of the infamy, which on this earth settles upon the troubled resting-place of him, who, through cowardice, has shrunk away from his duty, and, on the day of trial, has broken the bond which bound him to his country.

And the Maenad there, carrying the torn limb! Also the border of vine-leaves and crossed thyrsi; though that, to be sure, is usual enough. And this next? Ah, I remember 'Tu cum parentis regna per arduum'; but what a devil of a design! And, above all, what mellowness!

But I could not and would not put up with a frightful German baron of music, with a polished card like a toast-rack, whom the Major tried to impress on me. As if I could stop to take music lessons! "Miss Wood," said Major Hockin, in his strongest manner, the last time he came to see me, "I stand to you in loco parentis.

"My dear Miss Liddell, take care how you saddle yourself with the difficult task of standing in loco parentis; leave the very serious responsibilities of bringing up boys to the mother whose they are. At your age, and with the almost certainty of forming new ties, such a step would be very imprudent." "At all events I shall see how they all get on at Castleford before I commit myself to anything.