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But they could take of their play time till they had gained a day or more to give. One marked after another and last of all it was the turn of Afa Bibo. Very near to him stood the kind doctor who had made him free from the pain and able to see the way as he came to the white pole. So he smiled one of his rare smiles as he passed him.

It was a hot, sultry day in that little town near the Western coast of Africa when Afa Bibo came. He had had a long, long journey from his home among the Ntum people far to the south of Efulen. So he, as well as the men who had brought him, was glad when they saw the rude little hospital looming up at the end of the path.

Years and years before, when Afa Bibo was just a little baby, his mother and father, because they were superstitious and ignorant, had deliberately infected the little one with yaws, one of the most loathsome of African diseases. Little by little the disease had spread through his system till now, a boy in his teens, he was gradually losing his sight.

Then he made a slanting line and crossed it; another and crossed it. That was twenty days. No boy had given as much as that. But he was making another twenty-five days. And he crossed the third. Then with his shoulders square and resolve in his face he went out with the rest. As the missionaries sat before their home on the following day, they saw Afa Bibo coming across the yard to them.

I heard him a little while afterwards, through the floor here, humming like the wind, the only song he knows about Bibo, and old Charon, and Bibo being drunk when he died, or something or other. He has been as quiet since as an old rat asleep in his hole." "And you are to go down at twelve?" "At twelve. And as I tell you, when you came it seemed to me a hundred." "Tony," says Mr.

In his preface Balbi announces that his dictionary is to be on the alphabetical principle; and, what is even more surprising to us, he goes on to explain at great length what the alphabetical principle is. Thus: 'I am going to treat of amo and bibo. I shall take amo before bibo, because a is the first letter in amo and b is the first letter in bibo; and a is before b in the alphabet.

Were you to go among the Ntum people to-day, you would find there a man who is beloved by all because he has loved to give of himself to his people. He has a kindly face and a loving heart. It is Afa Bibo, the boy who is still eager to pay for his one good eye. Kagigegabo sat in front of the wigwam watching the fire slowly die out. Her heart was full of bitterness.

Let me make it thirty-five." So together the doctor, who had given his life for God, and the little black boy, who was just beginning to give, went to the church and put another black mark on the tall white pole. And Afa Bibo went out to work his thirty-five days for God.

If you will stay, you can be a big man in your own tribe. It may be you could be a teacher and tell the boys there how to read and write or it might be yes, it might be you could be a doctor and make other boys to see, just as we have done to you." So Afa Bibo stayed in the mission school and learned to study, and to work, and to think.

The eyes must be washed with a solution that was very painful; he must spend long hours not only lying in bed but with all light shut from his eye. He grew very weary with it all. But after the months had gone, Afa Bibo went out of that hospital with an eye as clean and white in the ball as yours or mine.