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The charge for black cloth alone on this occasion was six thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine pounds, six shillings, and fivepence, Biblioth. Stow. ii. 448. Before the reader proceeds to the more important transactions at home, he may take a rapid view of the relations existing between England and foreign states.

The Tyrians, however, like many other ancient mystics, had recovered some portion of the lost light, and the complete repossession was finally achieved by their union with the Jewish masons, who were Noachidae. "A mythis omnis priscorum hominum tum historia tum philosophia procedit." Ad Apollod. Athen. Biblioth. not. f. p. 3.

Petri Bles. epist. 136. in Biblioth. Patr. tom. xxiv. p. 1048. The greatest monarchs were not ashamed, on occasion, to have recourse to their assistance; and as their habits of war and depredation had given them experience, hardiness, and courage, they generally composed the most formidable part of those armies which decided the political quarrels of princes.

Biblioth. Among the Eastern writers, some divide Arabia into two parts, Yemen and Hedjaz; others into five great provinces, Yemen, Hedjaz, Nedjed, Tehama, and Yemama. Bahrein has also been included; Hadramaut, Mahrah, Shejr, Oman, and other subdivisions have likewise been reckoned independent provinces by some, while many confound them with the greater regions, Yemen and Hedjaz.

However, as they filled but a few sheets , he did not think proper to print them, at Paris; but sent them, in 1640, to his brother, who communicating them to the Elzevirs, they were published the same year in their edition of Tacitus , and have been several times reprinted. Ep. 573. p. 225. Ep. 402. p. 869. Ep. 444. p. 897. Fabricius, Biblioth.