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A cheer rose from the men, who had watched with interest his efforts to escape, and who now welcomed him as if he had been one of themselves. "Two months' pay for your horse, Major!" cried Clayley. "Och, the bewtiful baste! He's worth the full of his skin in goold! By my sowl! the capten ought to have 'im," ejaculated Chane; and various other encomiums were uttered in honour of Hercules.

"An' anyhow," in a more gentle tone, the gently positive tone which she had acquired through forty years of living with Abraham, "we hain't so bad off with one hunderd dollars an' tew cents, an' beholden ter nobody! It's tew cents more 'n yew need ter git yew inter the Old Men's, an' them extry tew cents'll pervide fer me jest bewtiful."

At last she said, half between sobbing and laughing: "Oh, Abe, ain't God been good to us? Ain't it jist bewtiful to be rich? Rich!" she cried. "Rich!" Abe sat down suddenly, and covered his face with his hands. In a flash he understood, and he could not let even Angy see him in the light of the revelation.

"What a glorious sight!" said one of them, with a deep-drawn breath; "I've never seen anything to touch it...." A couple of farmers' wives standing by peered curiously at the speaker and his companion. "Simme them folk must be lacken' their senses," said one to the other, "carlen' a sight like this bewtiful! Lacken' their senses, sure 'nough!"

"I never thought I'd come to wearin' a quilted silk basque with tossels on it," Abe remarked one day on being urged to try on a handsome smoking-jacket. "Dew I look like one of them sissy-boys, er jest a dude?" "It's dretful becoming," insisted Angy, "bewtiful! Ain't it, gals?"

Abraham stopped rocking to stare hard at his resourceful wife, an involuntary twinkle of amusement in his blue eyes. With increased firmness, she repeated, "Jest bewtiful!" whereupon Abe, scenting self-sacrifice on his wife's part, sat up straight and snapped, "Haow so, haow so, Mother?"

Be Saint Patrick, the black one's a thrump anyhow! She looks for all the world like them bewtiful crayoles of Dimmerary." Saying this, he turned suddenly round, and commenced driving his bayonet furiously into the dead cayman, exclaiming between the thrusts: "Och, ye divil! bad luck to yer ugly carcase! You're a nate-looking baste to interfere with a pair of illigant craythers!