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Monsieur Bergerin, the celebrated doctor of Saumur, presently arrived. After an examination, he told Grandet positively that his wife was very ill; but that perfect peace of mind, a generous diet, and great care might prolong her life until the autumn. "Will all that cost much?" said the old man. "Will she need medicines?"

You ought to consult Monsieur Bergerin; she is likely to die. If she does die without receiving proper care, you will not be very easy in mind, I take it." "Ta, ta, ta, ta! you know a deal about my wife! These doctors, if they once get their foot in your house, will come five and six times a day." "Of course you will do as you think best.

Voyages faites principalement dans les 12, 13, 14, and 15 siècles, par Benjamin de Tudela, Carpin, Ancilin, Rubruquis, Marco Polo, Haiton, Mandeville, et Contarini; publiés par P. Bergerin, avec des Cartes Géographiques. La Haye, 1735. 2 vols. 4to. This is a valuable collection, except so far as regards Marco Polos' Travels, the translation of which is neither elegant nor faithful.

Bergerin gave him up. Eugenie, feeling that she was about to be left alone in the world, came, as it were, nearer to her father, and clasped more tightly this last living link of affection. To her mind, as in that of all loving women, love was the whole of life.

"Not much medicine, but a great deal of care," answered the doctor, who could scarcely restrain a smile. "Now, Monsieur Bergerin," said Grandet, "you are a man of honor, are not you? I trust to you! Come and see my wife how and when you think necessary. Save my good wife! I love her, don't you see? though I never talk about it; I keep things to myself. I'm full of trouble.

"There! don't you see, monsieur, that madame is dying?" cried Nanon. "Come, come, my daughter, we won't quarrel for a box! Here, take it!" he cried hastily, flinging the case upon the bed. "Nanon, go and fetch Monsieur Bergerin! Come, mother," said he, kissing his wife's hand, "it's all over! There! we've made up haven't we, little one?