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It gave out a different creak and jolted her until she was grateful for springs and cushions when obliged to go back to them. The landscape was still hazy, the woods grew more beautiful. But neither of the children cared for the little towns along the route: Bellville, Stilesville, Meridian, Manhattan, Pleasant Garden. Hills appeared and ledges of rock cropped out in them.

The first person he met upon going down was Reed, the Bellville man. "What's this I hear, Wayne, about your pitching for Salisbury today? I got your telegram." "Straight goods," replied Wayne. "But I thought you intended to pitch for us?" "I didn't promise, did I?" "No. Still, it looks fishy to me." "You've got Mackay, haven't you?" "Yes. The truth is, I intended to use you both."

She returned to Richmond in 1829, and lived at Bellville until that elegant mansion was destroyed by fire in 1842. After her return, she confined her entertainments almost exclusively to handsome dinner-parties, at which she presided with exceeding grace and elegance, and where it was said that, though the wines were fine, the flavor and brilliancy of the conversation were far superior.

It has leaked out that our rivals will come over strengthened by a 'ringer, no less than Yale's star pitcher, Wayne. We saw him shut Princeton out in June, in the last game of the college year, and we are not optimistic in our predictions as to what Salisbury can do with him. This appears a rather unfair procedure for Bellville to resort to. Why couldn't they come over with their regular team?

I shouldn't be surprised if you treated the Salisbury team to the same coat of whitewash. We girls are up in arms. Our boys stood a fair chance to win this game, but now there's a doubt. By the way, are you acquainted in Bellville?" "No. I met Reed, the Bellville captain, in New York this week.

With the exception of such centers as Eden, Upper Alton, Bellville and Chicago, this antagonistic attitude was general also in the State of Illinois. The Negroes were despised, abused and maltreated as persons who had no rights that the white man should respect. Even in Detroit, Michigan, in 1833 a fracas was started by an attack on Negroes.

As a matter of fact, we don't look forward to any hitting stunts tomorrow, eh, Burns? Burns, here, is our leading hitter, and he's been unusually noncommittal since he heard who was going to pitch for Bellville." "Well, I wouldn't give a whole lot for my prospects of a home run tomorrow," said Burns, with a laugh. Wayne went outside, and found a seat in the shade.

No person of distinction ever came to Richmond without calling at Bellville, the entrée to which was an unquestioned passport to the best society of the city. Mrs. Mayo's eldest daughter, Maria, was the most celebrated Virginia belle of her day.

Wayne, if your word is not involved will you change your mind and pitch tomorrow's game for us instead of Bellville?" Quite amazed, Wayne turned squarely to look at Miss Huling. Instead of disarming his quick suspicion, her cool, sweet voice, and brave, blue eyes confirmed it. The charms of the captain's sister were to be used to win him away from the Bellville nine.

The head of the batting list was up for Bellville, and the whole Bellville contingent on the side lines rose and yelled and cheered. Moore was a left handed hitter, who choked his bat up short, and poked at the ball. He was a good bunter, and swift on his feet.