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There was ane 'at thoucht them 'at was far waur nor me, guid eneuch company for him; an' maybe I may sit doon wi' him efter a', wi' the help o' my bonnie wee Sir Gibbie. I canna help ca'in' him wee Sir Gibbie a' the toon ca'd 'im that, though haith! he'll be a big man or he behaud.

"What will ye be or ye behaud!" he exclaimed, after a brief pause of astonishment. "Do you ever dance in this part of the country?" she asked, heedless of his surprise. "No that muckle, at least amo' the fisherfowks, excep' it be at a weddin'. I was at ane last nicht." "And did you dance?" "'Deed did I, my leddy. I danced the maist o' the lasses clean aff o' their legs." "What made you so cruel?"

Ay, yer sang's the sang o' an angel For a sinfu' thrapple no meet, Like the pipes til a heavenly braingel Whaur they dance their herts intil their feet! But though ye canna behaud, birdie, Ye needna gar a'thing wheesht! I'm noucht but a herplin herdie, But I hae a sang i' my breist!

At a' events, ye'll be helpin' some ill-faured sowls to a clean face and a bonny. But gin ye dinna fa' in wi' yer father within ten year, ye maun behaud a wee, an' jist pack up yer box, an' gang awa' ower the sea to Calcutta, an' du what I hae tellt ye to do i' that wull. I bind ye by nae promise, Robert, an' I winna hae nane. Things micht happen to put ye in a terrible difficulty wi' a promise.

'For God's sake, Kirsty, he cried, ceasing his attempts to lay hold of her, 'behaud, or we'll hae the haill hoose oot, and what'll come o' me than I daurna think! I doobt I'll never hear the last o' 't as 'tis! 'Am I to trust ye, Francie? 'I winna lay a finger upo' ye, damn ye! he said in mingled wrath and humiliation.