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"Yes, let's pertend it. If he thinks he's going away after he has done it, why, there's nothing he won't twy to do, 'cos, you see, he's longing to go. Let's say this to him: 'Orion, you's good boy, you's darlin' boy, and when you has done what I want you to do, you shall go way' then he'll do it beaut'ful." "But he aint a-going," said the man, "he's my property.

"I's had a beaut'ful s'eep, and there's not going to be a pwivate nor yet a public funeral." "No, no, Di!" said Iris, sobbing now as she spoke. "I's hung'y," said little Diana. "I'd like my supper awfu' much." The crisis was over, and Diana was to live. From that hour she recovered, slowly but surely.

If half my 'ffection for Pole wasn't the seein' of you so big and handsome! And all my ideas to get ye marrud, avery one so snug in a corner, with a neat little lawful ring on your fingers! And you that go to keep me a lone woman, frightened of the darrk! I'm an awful coward, that's the truth. And ye know that marr'ge is a holy thing! and it's such a beaut'ful cer'mony! Oh, Mr. Wilfrud!

The woman then said, still looking at him: "Beaut'ful! Oh, lovela!" She spoke in broken English; and Russell, while flattered by her admiration, was delighted at hearing his own language. "Do you speak English, my dear?" he said, in a tone of affectionate familiarity, drawing nearer to her. "Oh yes me speek Inglees me in Cuba learn speek Inglees vara mooch."

But just let Mary Magdalen roll out an unctious, "Whah is yuh, Beaut'ful Dawg?" and his ears and tail went up, he curveted, and made uncouth movements with his splay feet, and grinned from ear to ear. Doctor Geddes's Mandy had brought over the black kittens and their mother. Mary Magdalen made sure of their staying at home by the simple process of buttering their paws.

If half my 'ffection for Pole wasn't the seein' of you so big and handsome! And all my ideas to get ye marrud, avery one so snug in a corner, with a neat little lawful ring on your fingers! And you that go to keep me a lone woman, frightened of the darrk! I'm an awful coward, that's the truth. And ye know that marr'ge is a holy thing! and it's such a beaut'ful cer'mony! Oh, Mr. Wilfrud!

You are a very rich little gal; aint you, little dear?" "My faver's awfu' rich," said Diana. "We used to live in a most beaut'ful house, and we had a beaut'ful garding to play in. We had animals there lots and lots. Woman, is you fond of animals mices and that sort?" "Love I just adores 'em." "Then you is a nice sort," answered Diana. She left her place by Orion and crept up close to the woman.