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He asked no verbal questions, but his eyes ranged curiously from one to another. "'Light, gentlemen. I been wanting to see you especially, Mr. Beaudry," he said. "I reckon you know where we've been, Hal," answered Dave after he had dismounted. "I reckon." "We got a little news for public circulation. You can pass the word among the boys.

The rustlers glowered at Elder's party, but offered no comment other than some sneering laughter and ribald whispering. Yet Beaudry breathed freer when he was out in the open again lengthening the distance between him and them at every stride. Ryan walked as far as the hotel with Dave and his partner. "Come in and have dinner with us, Pat," invited the cattleman. The Irishman shook his head.

"It's not so easy to get away with that slow insolence of his while he's wearing that forgit-me-not young Beaudry handed him in the mix-up." "Sort of spoils the toutensemble, as that young Melrose tenderfoot used to say kinder as if a bald-haided guy was playing Romeo and had lost his wig in the shuffle," agreed Dave.

Beaudry you can order his coffin." Nevertheless, Meldrum had the humiliating sense that he had failed to live up to his reputation as a killer. He had promised Battle Butte to give it something to talk about, but he had not meant to let the whisper pass that he was a four-flusher. His natural recourse was to further libations. These made for a sullen, ingrowing rage as the day grew older.

In a panic of fear she rode wildly to the nearest ranch, gasped out her appeal for help, and collapsed in a woeful little huddle. His friends arrived in time to save Beaudry, damaged only to the extent of a flesh wound in the shoulder, but the next week the young wife gave premature birth to her child and died four days later.

The bad man made a trembling clutch toward him. "Don't you, Mr. Beaudry. I'll I'll go into the pit," he sobbed. "Get in, then." "I know you wouldn't leave me there to starve. That would be an awful thing to do," the killer begged. "You're finding that out late. It didn't worry you when Dave Dingwell was being starved." "I hadn't a thing to do with that not a thing, Mr. Beaudry.

Beaudry had scored his first point to gain time for his argument to get home to the sodden brain. Dave Dingwell had told him that most men were afraid of something, though some hid it better than others; and he had added that Dan Meldrum had the murderer's dread lest vengeance overtake him unexpectedly. Roy knew now that his partner had spoken the true word.

His brain on fire from the liquor he had drunk and his overpowering terror, Beaudry was a berserk gone mad with the lust of battle. He ran amuck like a maniac, using the stool as a weapon to hammer down the heads of his foes. It crashed first upon one, now on another. Charlton rushed him and was struck down beside Meldrum.

The grim face of the big hillman did not twitch. "I'll take the word from you. Go on." "But I've been thinking more and more that he would want me to forget that. Tighe and Meldrum are gone. Sheriff Beaudry worked for the good of the community. That is all he asked. It is for the best interest of Washington County that we bury the past.

The tanned stranger in corduroys, hickory shirt, and pinched-in hat of the range rider was Royal Beaudry. It was with a start of surprise that Meldrum recognized him. His enemy was no longer a "pink-ear." There was that in his stride, his garb, and the steady look of his eye which told of a growing confidence and competence.