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She says substantially, and the whole book is written so as to give probability to the assertion, that Johnson's bearishness and demands upon her indulgence had become intolerable, when he was no longer under restraint from her husband's presence. She therefore "took advantage" of her lost lawsuit and other troubles to leave London, and thus escape from his domestic tyranny.

To preserve a show of authority he added with poorly simulated bearishness: "Well, are you going or not?" He was about to give his usual order, "Quick, take to your legs!" but caught himself just in time, and made a face as though he had swallowed something. The three men now hobbling toward the entrance for inmates, would have been only too glad to carry out such an order.

I'd BEAR the heat, I'd BEAR the freezing air Of equatorial realm or Arctic sea, I'd sit all BEAR at night, and watch the Northern BEAR, And bless my soul that he was far from me. I'd BEAR the BARENESS of all barren lands Before I'd BEAR the BEARISHNESS of this; BARE head, BEAR feet, BEAR legs, BEAR hands, BEAR everything, but want of social bliss.

While this colloquy had been going on, the Squire had gone into his apartment to wash his hands; and now issuing forth, requested an explanation of the argument he had heard going on. This explanation was refused with great bearishness by the lawyer, and Redbud said they had only been talking about Providence.

"Don't mind my bearishness," she made half apology. "You know what pleasant moods I fall into while working. And this rain is depressing." "But Miss Biglow is right." Creighton smiled his rare, shy smile. Brusque and impatient as he was when on business bent, he was awkwardly uncomfortable in ordinary company. The man, Val sometimes thought privately, lived, ate, slept books.

But there is this in all genuine and inbred obstinacy, that after a time it often comes out worst beside those we love best. A man will be affable, accessible, entertaining, the best of company, and the soul of it abroad, and, then, instantly he turns the latch-key in his own door he will relapse into silence, and sink back into utter boorishness and bearishness, mulishness and doggedness.

Ripogenus would, perhaps, give what the Nachchese Pass had taken away. Vain hope! I was not to be an ursicide. I begin to fear that I shall slay no other than my proper personal bearishness. I did my duty for another result at Ripogenus. I bolted audaciously into every barn. I made incursions into the woods around. I found the mark of the beast, not the beast.

It is not always necessary that a friend should break his leg for Touchwood to feel compunction and endeavour to make amends for his bearishness or insolence. He becomes spontaneously conscious that he has misbehaved, and he is not only ashamed of himself, but has the better prompting to try and heal any wound he has inflicted.

But the man pushed her arm roughly aside. "Oh, skip!" he cried. "You make me sick." His bearishness in no way disconcerted the girl. She persisted, and dropped two spoonfuls of granulated sugar into his cup. "Some folks need sugar," she remarked, with another giggle, as she moved away. And somehow it was Bill who had suffered loss of dignity.

"You say you haven't seen any one for days," she said. "Now the Fosses, for instance, who are your best friends, don't you let them know when you're shut in?" "You have no conception, evidently, of my bearishness, dear friend. They have. They never wonder when they do not see me or hear from me for weeks." "I know, and it seems funny; it seems sort of forlorn to me.