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You care about farming, hunting, well, you'd better look out!" "Arhip was here today; he said there were a lot of elks in Prudno, and two bears," said Tchirikov. "Well, you must go and get them without me." "Ah, that's the truth," said Sergey Ivanovitch. "And you may say good-bye to bear-hunting for the future your wife won't allow it!" Levin smiled.

She departed and was gone for some days with her people. By-and-by Muckwa became tired of staying at home, and thought that he would go off to a distance and resume his favorite bear-hunting. He accordingly started off, and at last came to a grove of lofty oaks, which were full of large acorns. He found signs of bear, and soon espied a fat she-bear on the top of a tree.

Thus thinking, she waited till her husband had gone off bear-hunting in the mountains, and then put the baby into a box, which she took to the river and allowed to float away. Then she returned home. Later on, her husband came back; and she, with feigned tears, told him that the baby had disappeared stolen or strayed, and that she had vainly searched all round about the house and in the woods.

Brumle-Knute!" yelled the boys in joyous chorus, as they saw their rescuer coming forward from behind the rocks, "how did you find us?" "I heard yer shots and I saw yer tracks," said Brumle-Knute, dryly; "but when ye go bear-hunting another time ye had better load with bullets instead of bird-shot." "But Brumle-Knute, we only wanted to shoot the little bear," protested Wolf-in-the-Temple.

The late autumn or early winter is the best time for bear-hunting. I had not been long at my post when I heard two shots in quick succession fired below me. I found a chamois had been shot. For our next battue we turned right-about face, the beaters coming from the other side; but we had bad luck. One of our party saw a bear at some distance, fired, and missed it.

The remainder of the time in the harbour was spent in waiting for stores, in further repairing the ships, in two or three bear-hunting expeditions, in entertaining the garrison and natives in return for the hospitality which had been received, and in receiving a visit from the Acting Governor and other Russian officers.

You will never hear them inquiring whether there is any good bear-hunting in the neighbourhood of Boston, or whether Shakespeare is much read in the States. They are all born Liberals. When a Scotchman says he is a Conservative, it only means that he is a Liberal with hesitations.

"One does not think of fear with Ivan Ivanovich." "If Ivan Ivanovich went bear-hunting, would you go with him?" "Yes, Grandmother. Take me with you sometimes, Ivan Ivanovich." "With pleasure, Vera Vassilievna, in winter. You have only to command." "That is just like her, not to mind what her Grandmother thinks." "I was joking, Grandmother." "I know you would be equal to it.

He sauntered listlessly through the forest, his bear-hunting energies all paralyzed. He soon grew very weary of home and of all its employments, and was eager to return to the infinitely higher excitements of political life. General Jackson was then almost idolized by his party. All through the South and West his name was a tower of strength. Crockett had originally been elected as a Jackson-man.

The Captain and I learned to appreciate the distinction between bear-hunting and bear-killing very keenly during that season.