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'Light another match, Robert, said Anthea. 'Now, then quick! which is the East? 'Why, where the sun rises, of course! 'But someone told us 'Oh! they'll tell you anything! said the Psammead impatiently, getting into its bass-bag and wrapping itself in its waterproof sheet. 'But we can't see the sun in here, and it isn't rising anyhow, said Jane. 'How you do waste time! the Psammead said.

They could not find the East, and the sun was of no use at the moment, because some officious person had once explained to Cyril that the sun did not really set in the West at all nor rise in the East either, for the matter of that. The Psammead had crept out of the bass-bag when they were not looking and had basely deserted them. An enemy was approaching. There would be a fight.

The Psammead was put into a flat bass-bag that had come from Farringdon Market with two pounds of filleted plaice in it. Now it contained about three pounds and a quarter of solid Psammead, and the children took it in turns to carry it. 'It's not half the weight of The Lamb, Robert said, and the girls sighed.

'He said "jolly" as if it was a foreign language, said Cyril. 'Come on, let's get the Psammead and go now. I think Babylon seems a most frightfully jolly place to go to. So they woke the Psammead and put it in its bass-bag with the waterproof sheet, in case of inclement weather in Babylon. It was very cross, but it said it would as soon go to Babylon as anywhere else.