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There was a bypath there leading to the highroad, but the delicacy of their position in relation to the owners prevented the Bartons from ever making use of it.

"I have made up my mind, when he next comes, to let him understand that very clearly." As it happened, Frank paid another visit the following day to the Bartons. Fanny certainly did contrive to show him that there were no hopes of her becoming his wife. He would make a tour through the country, visit Toronto, Montreal, and perhaps go down to Quebec.

Yet it must not be imagined that she was ungrateful or the less thankful to her kind protectors, the Bartons, for she could now well realize what might have been her situation had she been compelled to act upon the plan that had first suggested itself to her on leaving Vellenaux that of becoming a governess or companion to some antiquated Dowager in Europe. The repeated assurances from Mrs.

Locker was not allowed to do all the talking; his hostess would not permit that; but under the circumstances he was allowed to explain his lateness. "You know I have been spending a week with the Bartons," he said, "and last night I came over from their house to the station in a carriage.

And now that she was his, he would have her know that his love of her rose out of his deepest sense of soul; but words were weak: he seemed to be tongue-tied. 'Where did you dine to-night? she said suddenly. 'With the Bartons. He told her everything of the proposal and the invitation to Brookfield. 'And are you going down to Galway to stay with them? 'Of course not.

For several months all went pleasantly enough with the Bartons, much more so, indeed than had been anticipated by her little ladyship; for she found that as wife of the judge, the highest civil functionary in the station, she was leader of fashion, and took precedence of all other ladies in Goolampore; and Edith, for a time, found herself relieved from the importunities that beset her at Calcutta.

On reaching Calcutta, the young Cornet presented himself at the hospitable Bungalow of the Bartons, and was by them cordially received. The pretty little Mrs.

"Pinkerton, Jones, and others acted wisely in sending their families away last week; but I do not think it was quite the thing for the Bartons to leave the pretty Miss Effingham behind to arrange their household affairs, and then make her way to Rutlaum as she best could. Who will see her there in safety?" exclaimed the staff Surgeon.

In May the Bartons went abroad, and Olive flirted with foreign titles French Counts, Spanish Dukes, Russian Princes, Swedish noblemen of all kinds, and a goodly number of English refugees with irreproachable neckties and a taste for baccarat. In the balmy gardens of Ostend and Boulogne, jubilant with June and the overture of Masaniello, Milord and Mrs.

By the bye, opening the door, and looking cautiously into the passage, 'I wonder whom the Bartons are entertaining in the kitchen to-night? I hear a masculine voice. 'It is only Mr. Hamilton, I returned indifferently. 'I heard him come in half an hour ago; he is giving Nathaniel a lesson in mathematics. 'To be sure. What a good fellow he is! in an enthusiastic tone.