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"You think th' old man's no good, do you?" he cackled, without the slightest malice, "looks is deceivin'!" He sprang up swiftly, seized the toe of his right foot in his left hand, and jumped his left foot through the loop thus formed. Then he sat down again, and laughed at Thorpe's astonishment. "Old Jackson's still purty smart," said he. "I'm barn-boss.

Wallace Carpenter, Shorty, the chore-boy, and Anderson, the barn-boss, picked a dangerous passage back and forth carrying pails of red-hot coffee which Mrs. Hathaway constantly prepared. The cold water numbed the men's hands. With difficulty could they manipulate the heavy chains through the auger holes; with pain they twisted knots, bored holes. They did not complain.

"If we don't, we'll ride over that way and take a look down," replied Welton. They drove down the empty yards to a stable where already was established their old barn-boss of the Michigan woods. Four or five big freight wagons stood outside, and a score of powerful mules rolled and sunned themselves in the largest corral. Welton nodded toward several horses in another enclosure.

He knows damn well he ought not to keep a man out that sort o' weather." "You'd shiver like a dog in a briar path on a warm day in July," said Jackson Hines contemptuously. "Shut up!" said they. "You're barn-boss. You don't have to be out in th' cold." This was true. So Jackson's intervention went for a little worse than nothing. "It ain't lak' he has nuttin' besides," went on Baptiste.

Looking quickly, like a hunted animal, around, McAlpin saw Harry Tenison, white-faced and cold, pushing the bottle in friendly fashion toward him. Every man, save one, watching, hoped he would humor at least that much his expectant murderer. But the barn-boss had reached a state of fear and anger that inflamed every stubborn drop in his blood. He swore he would not fill his glass.

Up there it's colder than hell on a stoker's holiday." So Shearer had picked out a barn-boss of his own. This man was important, for the horses are the mainstay of logging operations. He had selected also, a blacksmith, a cook, four teamsters, half a dozen cant-hook men, and as many handy with ax or saw. "Four teams is all we ought to keep going at a clip.

Jackson Hines had helped select them from the stock of firms changing locality or going out of business. His judgment in such matters was infallible, but he had resolutely refused to take the position of barn-boss which Thorpe offered him. "No," said he, "she's too far north. I'm gettin' old, and the rheumatics ain't what you might call abandonin' of me.