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It seems that after we got away that Cap'n Bardeen moved that cupboard over to the other side of the room into Zoar and went to sellin' whiskey out on't. Awful doin's! The minute I read the letter I sez: "Josiah Allen, do you write this very minute and stop this wicked, wicked works!"

Sez I, "Do you write to once, Josiah Allen, and tell Bardeen to either stop such works, or move right out." "Well," sez he blandly, real bland and polite, "I will consider it, Samantha, I will give it my consideration." "No, no, Josiah Allen, you know right from wrong, truth from falsehood, honesty from dishonesty, you don't want to consider."

Bardeen suggests that these morbid phenomena correspond so closely to those met with where the presence of a toxin is known to produce them, that in all probability death is similarly due to the action of some poison produced by the action of heat on the skin and on the proteins of the blood.

Sez I: "No knowin' how many Jonesvillians will feel their religion a-wobblin' and tottlin' just by your example; naterally they would look up to a deacon and emulate his example do you stop it to once!" "No, Samantha," sez he, "Cap'n Bardeen and his father owns more cows than any other Jonesvillians.

Sez I, "To think of all the evils that are a flowin' out of that place, Josiah, and you could stop it to once if you wuz a minter." "But," sez Josiah, "Ury sez that if it wuzn't sold there by Cap'n Bardeen the factory folks would go over into Zoar and git worse likker sold by low down critters."

"Well," sez Josiah, "I may as well tell you, you would probably hear on't, Ernest White writ me some time ago, and sent me a long petition signed by most all the ministers and leadin' men and wimmen, beggin' me to stop Bardeen." "Well, what did you tell him, Josiah Allen?" "I told him, Samantha, I would consider it." "And," sez I, "have you been all this time, months and months, a considerin'?"

Our Lowell article in the March number of The Bay State Monthly has been severely criticized especially the cuts. To the older residents of that city each picture was of interest from association. A System of Rhetoric is the title of a book by C.W. Bardeen, published in 1884 by A.S. Barnes and Company, of New York.

"And whilst you are a considerin' Bardeen will go on a sellin' pizen to destroy all the good that Ernest White, that devoted minister of Christ, and all the good men and wimmen helpers have done and are a doin'."

Josiah wuz better to me than he had been for over seven weeks, and his lovin' demeanor didn't change for the worse for as many as five days. But the wicked wrong wuz done away with. I writ a letter to Ernest White tellin' him I never knowed a word about it till that very day, and my companion had repealed the law, and Cap'n Bardeen had got to move out or stop sellin' whiskey.

You'll have to carry the responsibility of all the evil it duz, and it will be a lastin' disgrace to you and the hull Methodist meetin-house if you let it go on." Agin he sez, "Ury fixed it all right." "How did Ury fix it?" sez I, in the cold axents of woman's skorn and curiosity. "Well, Ury said, make Bardeen stop sellin' whiskey out of the cupboard, make him sell it out of the chist.