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"I'm sorry for the poor things, but they won't do! Take 'em away! There's only one girl in the world for me oh, confound it! why is it that one always thinks in song-titles! Well, there it is. I'm not going to bother you. We're pals. And, as a pal, may I offer you my bank-roll?" "No!" said Jill. She smiled up at him. "I believe you would give me your coat if I asked you for it!" Wally stopped.

But we made up our minds to begin it small, and be content with a little profit. "We had a bank-roll of $600 four from me and two from him. I was to have two-thirds of the profits, because I risked two thirds of the stuff. "It was Thursday night we set to try it. Thursday was always my Jonah day. I wanted to wait until Saturday, but he did n't want to wait that long.

Broad's boosters, he who had twice won for the Norseman's benefit, carelessly returned his winnings. "Sure!" he agreed. "They got a head like a turtle, them Swedes." Mr. Broad carefully smoothed out the two bills and reverently laid them to rest in his bank-roll. "Yes, and they got bony mouths. You got to set your hook or it won't hold."

Of course he went broke, but not long ago he struck a streak, and made a killin'. He started in to making a book, and now he's got a stable with five good sprinters, and a twenty thousand dollar bank-roll. If he had stuck to his job in that store, he 'd have probably had nervous prostration by this time."

On Tuesday night, with but one more day of grace ahead of him, he gave a dinner to all of them, disregarding the fact that his bank-roll had become frightfully emaciated. For several days after that little party blue-printing in the Robinson-Ray office was a lost art. When his guests had dined and had settled back into their chairs, Mitchell decided to risk all upon one throw.

Other girls not half so smart, not half so pretty as she, had feathered their nests right here before her eyes, while she was wasting her time. They had kept their heads, and they would go out in the spring, first class, with good clothes and a bank-roll in the purser's safe. Some of them were married and respectable. "Never again!" she whispered to herself. "The next one will pay."

I brought my wife here as a punishment and I propose to make her drink with you. Your company is not agreeable at any time, my friend, and she does you an honor " "Cut out that tony talk," Joe said, roughly. "You're a broken- hipped stiff and you're trying to grab her bank-roll. Don't you s'pose I'm on? My company was all right until you got your hand in the hotel cash-drawer; now I'm coarse.

Folks up this way are taking too much for granted on that fellow's mere say so, but I for one intend to delve for facts particularly with regard to the N.C.O. bank-roll and Ogilvy's associates. I'd sleep a whole lot more soundly to-night if I knew the answer to two very important questions." "What are they, Uncle Seth?"

This put another round of the ladder beneath him; he was progressing well, but as yet he had learned nothing about his competitors. The next morning he had some more dictation for Peebleby's stenographer, and niched another sovereign from his sad little bank-roll.

Gordon was exasperated, but not at all alarmed. "So you was. While you was out at the camp, you asked one of the boys how big the pay-roll would be." "Does that prove I was planning a hold-up? Isn't that the last thing I would have asked if I had intended robbery?" "Don't ask me. I ain't no psychologist. All I know is you took an interest in the bank-roll on the way."