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Bailey could see the lead fly as the blunt slugs flattened on the stone. "The young son-of-a-gun!" muttered Bailey. "Dinged if he ain't shootin' through the open holster! Where in blazes did he learn that bad-man trick?" Thus far Pete had not said a word, even to the horse. But now that he had finished his practice he strode to the rock-target and thrust his hand against it.

The Mexican "went along" briskly and the dusk soon swallowed him up. "Thank you, Wampus," said Patsy, gratefully; "you've saved us from a dreadful experience." "Oh, that!" snapping his fingers scornfully. "He not a good bad-man, for he too much afraid. I have no gun, for I do not like gun. Still, if I not come, he make you give him money an' trinkets."

The latter obeyed with alacrity, and stooping he picked up the fallen gun. He had an inkling of what was coming. "Ah-hh!" Slavin gloated gutterally, as he whirled his victim giddily around and brought the man up facing him with a violent jerk "Windy Moran, avick!" softly and cruelly "me wud-be cock av a wan-harse dump! me wud-be 'bad-man'! . . . Oh, yes!

"Don't use bad-boy words for vicious, bad-man deeds!" "But you liked me. Both of you liked me, honey. Only two women I ever really cared for, too. You and m' mother." Her face might have been burning paper, curling her scorn for him. "Don't try that, Morton. It won't work any more. What used to infatuate me only disgusts me now. The things I thought I loved in you, I loathe now.

My guess is that he's right near the end of his rope. We're going to make a clean-up soon as I get solid on my feet." "And Phil? What if we catch him in the gather, and find him wearing the bad-man brand?" Keller's eyes met those of his friend. "There never was a rodeo where some cattle didn't slip through unnoticed, Jim."

Leastwise, unless he wants to go in for bad-man methods and do a little ambusheein' on his own account. The point is, that these yere bad men are a low-down, miserable proposition, and plain, cold-blood murderers, willin' to wait for a sure thing, and without no compunctions whatsoever.

"Let someone else take the job that's all. A hundred ain't to be picked up every week, but I'll do without it. In my day I've done my share of brawlin' around, but I'm too stiff in the joints to make a fast draw and getaway now. Let Nash take this job. He's gun-fighter enough to handle this bad-man for you." "No," said Drew, "not even Nash can handle this one."

Weren't you honestly afraid he would kill you?" "No, I wasn't!" declared Denver. "He didn't look bad to me don't now and never did and as long as the cards are coming my way I don't let no alleged bad-man run it over me. Here's the gun that I took away from him." "Yes, I noticed it," she said. "But when he comes back for it are you going to give it up?"

From the moment he had first met him, this narrow-eyed, sneering bad-man had roused all the hate that was in him; but now it had gone beyond instinct. He found him in adverse possession of his property and with a gun raised ready to shoot. "What are you doing here?" demanded Denver insolently but Chatwourth did not move.

He even went out in the morning, and practised at target -shooting, and Lescott, who was still very pale and weak, but able to wander about at will, gained the impression that in young Tamarack he was seeing the true type of the mountain "bad-man."