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So, too, it was by a mere chance that I presently found myself the proprietor of a shop in a Whitechapel back-street. "Let me trace the connections of events. "The first link in the chain was a visit that I had paid in my younger days to Moscow and Warsaw, where I had stayed long enough to acquire a useful knowledge of Russian and Yiddish.

There was no doing anything with that pertinacity of hers. At Victoria he put her into the carriage which had been ordered for himself a characteristic action, for he had no petty selfishnesses. "Now, don't you go tiring yourself, my darling," he said, and took a cab on into the city. June went first to a back-street in Paddington, where Mrs.

He was, it seems, returning from an outhouse in the garden, when a man confronted him, and fired two pistols at his breast. He pushed aside the weapons with the candlestick he happened to be carrying; but two bullets entered his left arm. The assassin escaped over a drain into a back-street; but having been recognised, was subsequently captured.

I thought a minute what I should do: then went by a parallel back-street, and came out to a shop in the Strand, where I hoped to find all the information which I needed about the excavations of the country.

She had reached the street now, a back-street, a crooked sort of lane rather, running between endless piles of warehouses. She hurried down it to gain the suburbs, for she lived out in the country. It was a long, tiresome walk through the outskirts of the town, where the dwelling-houses were, long rows of two-story bricks drabbled with soot-stains. It was two years since she had been in the town.

There was no doing anything with that pertinacity of hers. At Victoria he put her into the carriage which had been ordered for himself a characteristic action, for he had no petty selfishnesses. "Now, don't you go tiring yourself, my darling," he said, and took a cab on into the city. June went first to a back-street in Paddington, where Mrs.

Neglected by her own set, shunned by the respectable, her fortune quite gone, she was nevertheless determined that she would not be a back-street seamstress or a pensioner upon the bounty of quondam friends.

At Westminster rumbling buses punctuate the back-street stillness; taxis hum past on their way to the West End, and engender a longing for renewed acquaintance with the normal world and the normal devil; from the ward window I can see the towers of Parliament as they stretch up through the London greyness.

A post-card written from a squalid back-street lodging had been his first intimation that the Frenchman was in London, and within two hours of receiving it Max had removed him to the private nursing-home in which he himself was at that time domiciled.

You can always get a drink, and take in anyone you please." "Come on, then," he said, and turned down a back-street. "Where in the world are you taking me?" demanded Julie. "I shall have no reputation left if this gets out." "Nor shall I," said Peter. "Nor you will; what a spree! Do you think it's worth it, Peter?"