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Once the angels went, and took from off the road the stone which was before the chariot, and its name is Lec-na-naingel. It was from that place i.e., from Druim-Chaile that Patrick with his two hands blessed the macha. The way in which Patrick measured the rath i.e., the angel before him, and Patrick behind, with his people, and with the holy men of Eriu, and the Bachall Isa in Patrick's hand.

"That shall not be," said Patrick; "but I will support thy valor, and will give comarbs to thy race, and thou shall be the Conall Sciath-bachall. The palm of laics and clerics shall be from thee; and every one of thy descendants in whose shield the sign of my bachall shall be will not be subdued." All this Patrick did to him. He went eastwards into the territory of Hy-Fiachrach, by the sea.

"Not difficult to tell," said the young man. "We are here since the time of Christ. He came to visit us when He was on earth amongst men; and we made a feast for him, and he blessed our house and blessed ourselves; but this blessing reached not our children; and we shall be here without age or decay for ever. "I will not take it," said Patrick, "until He Himself gives me His bachall."

And he gave him also, another time, a bachall which had been given them from God viz., its head into Patrick's bosom, and its end in Mochae's bosom; and this is the Detech-Mochae of Noendruim; and Mochae promised Patrick a shorn pig every year. And this, indeed, is still given.

"My debroth," said Patrick, "you shall be beaten in every conflict in which you may be; and you shall be subject to insult and contumely in every assembly in which you may be." "Arise, O Conall!" said Patrick, "that you may assume the bachall." Conall said, "If it please thee, I shall do so."