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A very taking way of introducing new styles and shapes to the new land was through the importation by milliners and mantua-makers of dressed dolls, or "babys" as they were called, that displayed in careful miniature the fashions and follies of the English court. In the New England Weekly Journal of July 2, 1733, appears this notice: "To be seen at Mrs.

I never told Ardelia what I had done, but trusted to a overrulin' destiny, that seems to enrap babys, and lunatiks, and soft little wimmen, when their heads get kinder turned by a man, and to Abram's honest face when she should compare it with Bial Flamburg's, and to Abram's pure, sweet breath with that mixture of stale cigars, tobacco, beer, and peppermint.

Who would have dremp chainin' down that resistless, mighty force and make it bile tea-kettles; and light babys to their trundle beds, and turn coffee mills, and light up meetin' houses, and draw canal boats and propel long trains of cars. How it roared and took on when the subject wuz first broke to it.

Beany he burnt his hand on the fourth and Pewt he burnt of one eyebrow and so we all had a prety good fourth. Yesterday Boog and Puzzy came down and fit for me until mother came up. i am all rite now and tomorow i can go in swiming. it was the babys berthday today. he was just 1 year old. he is a auful fat little baby, when i was sick mother wood let him sit on the bed.

Mothers are in such a hurry babys are in such a hurry that they can't scarcely find time to be born. And I declare for't, it seems sometimes as if folks don't want to take time to die.

And there wuz a shirt of old Peter Stuyvesent's and a baby dress of De Witt Clinton's. I never mistrusted that he wuz ever a baby till I seen that dress. I'd always thought on him as the first Governor of New York. And speakin' of babys why, I wuz jest a-lookin' at that dress when I met Miss Job Presley, of Loontown. And I sez, almost the first thing, "Where is your baby?"

O my dear babys, were mortal eyes permitted to see them in heaven, we would not repine nor grieve for their loss."

By the 11th two were gone; by the 28th a third had followed, and the two others were still in danger. In the letters of a former nurserymaid I give her name, Jean Mitchell, honoris causa we are enabled to feel, even at this distance of time, some of the bitterness of that month of bereavement. "I have this day received," she writes to Miss Janet, "the melancholy news of my dear babys' deaths.

But I don't believe in a mixin' of the races. And when I see 'em a kissin' the pretty babys, I begun to muse a very little on the feelin's of the indignent South, at havin' a colered girl set in the same car with 'em, or on a bench in the same school room.

I also received the hair of my three sweet babys, which I will preserve as dear to their memorys and as a token of Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson's friendship and esteem. At my leisure hours, when the children are in bed, they occupy all my thoughts, I dream of them. About two weeks ago I dreamed that my sweet little Jessie came running to me in her usual way, and I took her in my arms.