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"Ay-ay, sir!" In about a second I begun to see I'd woke up a pretty ugly customer, Peters. In less than ten seconds that comet was just a blazing cloud of red-hot canvas.

"Ay-ay, mine goot friend," said the German, "here it is my pair of what you call saddlebag; one side will be for you, one side for me; I will put dem on my horse to save you de trouble, as you are old man." "Have you a horse here, then?" asked Edie Ochiltree. "O yes, mine friend tied yonder by de stile," responded the adept.

He was tired, and would rise. Dinner was ready at the Palace, where he had some wine of the golden plant of Ay-Ay, which he would match against the best in the Castle of St. Louis, if His Excellency and the other gentlemen would honor him with their company. The Council, out of respect to the Intendant, rose at once.

The name, sloth, is derived from the sluggishness of their movements, amounting almost to complete inactivity. They scarce stir from the spot in which they may be placed, or at all events move so slowly as to be a whole hour in getting from one tree to another, or even from one limb to another! From this they derive one of their trivial names of Ai, or Ay-ay.

At nine o'clock at night he loaded a double-barreled gun with slugs, fished out a pair of handcuffs, got a ship's lantern, summoned his quartermaster, and went ashore. He said: "Do you see that ship there at the dock?" "Ay-ay, sir." "It's the Venus." "Ay-ay, sir." "You you know me." "Ay-ay, sir." "Very well, then. Take the lantern. Carry it just under your chin.

The great Teguan, or flying squirrel of the Moluccas, is in reality as large as a cat! The singular Ay-ay of Madagascar is sometimes classed among the squirrels and sometimes among the lemurs.

"If you mean the celebrated coiner, Jacques Giraumont, he waits without. You know our rules. I cannot admit him without leave." "Bon! we give it, eh, messieurs?" said Gawtrey. "Ay-ay," cried several voices. "He knows the oath, and will hear the penalty." "Yes, he knows the oath," replied Birnie, and glided back. In a moment more he returned with a small man in a mechanic's blouse.

Straight off I heard him sing out "Below there, ahoy! Shake her up, shake her up! Heave on a hundred million billion tons of brimstone!" "Ay-ay, sir!" "Pipe the stabboard watch! All hands on deck!" "Ay-ay, sir!" "Send two hundred thousand million men aloft to shake out royals and sky-scrapers!" "Ay-ay, sir!" "Hand the stuns'ls! Hang out every rag you've got! Clothe her from stem to rudder-post!"

At nine o'clock at night he loaded a double-barreled gun with slugs, fished out a pair of handcuffs, got a ship's lantern, summoned his quartermaster, and went ashore. He said: "Do you see that ship there at the dock?" "Ay-ay, sir." "It's the Venus." "Ay-ay, sir." "You you know me." "Ay-ay, sir." "Very well, then. Take the lantern. Carry it just under your chin.

The last are not to be confounded with an animal bearing the same name the ay-ay of America. The latter is the singular creature known as the sloth, of which there are several distinct species, all inhabitants of the great forests of tropical America. Of the lemurs, at least thirty different kinds are known, more than half of which belong to the Island of Madagascar.