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"'Eld the Helliot belt in Hinjer last year, they say," continued the Cockney. "Good? Not'arf. I wouldn't go an' hinsult the bloke for the price of a pot. No. 'Erbert 'Awker would not. Dam, arrayed in hob-nailed boots, turned-up overalls "authorized for grooming," and a "grey-back" shirt, looked indefinably a gentleman.

'Ere, 'Awker, run down an' call up the Sergeant o' the Guard an' tell 'im Maffewson's left 'is post. 'E'll 'ave to plant annuvver sentry. Maffewson goes ter clink." "Yes but send for the Surgeon and the key of the mortuary too," begged Dam. "I give you fair warning that Priddell is alive and groaning and off the bier " "Pity you ain't 'off the beer' too," said the Corporal with a yawn.

My par was a 'awker, sir, but a white, white man of the finest." Hurd was about to ask another question when a husky voice was heard singing somewhat out of tune. "What's that?" asked Hurd, irritably. "Lor', sir, wot nervses you 'ave. 'Tis only Cap'n Jessop makin' hisself 'appy-like." "Captain Jessop," Hurd laughed. He had run down his man at last.

He glanced keenly about, noting the half-empty bottle of stout and the dirty glass. "Did the police search here?" he inquired. "Of course they did, but they didn't find nothin', 'cause there wasn't anything to find. 'Awker was as poor as Job!" "They examined his person? his clothes, I mean?" "Yes, an' all they got was a knife, and a pistol, and some loose silver and coppers."

"I wonder you don't marry this Indian, and keep him here always to make the curries I have heard of." "Me marry a black!" cried Matilda, tossing her rough head. "Well, sir, I never," her breath failed her, "an' him goin' about the country." "What do you mean by that?" "What I say," said Miss Junk; "he'll stop here, Christian-like, for days, and then go orf to sell things as a 'awker.

"Where's the cowardly rat what hit me?" he demanded. "Never you mind about 'im," put in the proprietor of the club a very fat man with a ponderous watch-chain. "While the excitement was on 'e 'ooked it. You be off, too I don't want any more rowing." Sinking his voice to a faint whisper, he added: "You'd be worse off than the rest of us, 'Awker, should the police 'appen to come."

"I wouldn't 'esitate a minute to turn 'em into money. But I don't know nothin' of them, sir, an' you see yourself they ain't 'id in this room, an' Mr. 'Awker never put foot in any other part of the 'ouse." The woman's expression of disappointment, her manner, satisfied Nevill that his suspicion was baseless. There was nothing more to be done, so he gave Mrs.

Me an' Tilly not bein' of 'appy matchin' don't correspond. We're Londing both," exclaimed Deborah, "father 'avin' bin a 'awker, but why she went to the country, or why I stopped in Gwynne Street, no one knows. And may I arsk, Mr. Beecot, why you arsk of that place?" "Your late master came from Christchurch, Mrs. Tawsey. Did you never hear him mention it?" "That I never did, for close he was, Mr.

Quit those low-browed sounds, guttermut, or I'll get mad all over," agreed Fish, whose marvellous vocabulary included no foul words. There was no need for them. "Hi halso was abaht ter request you not to talk beastial, Mr. 'Erbert 'Awker," chimed in Trooper "Henery" Bone, anxious to be on the side of the saints.