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I insist upon your taking the whole, and I beg only to attend you in the quality of your servant; Nil desperandum est Teucro duce et auspice Teucro": but to this generous proposal concerning the money, Jones would by no means submit.

When, Billy duce et auspice Billy, the gang played at pirates or Red Indians, it was pitiful to watch their ignorant endeavours. Paul, deeply read in the subject, gave them chapter and verse for his suggestions. But they heeded him so little that he would turn away contemptuously, disdaining the travesty of the noble game, and dream of a gang of brighter spirits whom he could lead to glory.

'Not I, but my friend, Mr. Merton, said Logan, 'who, by the way, ought to accompany me. In Mr. To Merton alone I owe it that I am a married, a happy, and, speaking to any one but yourself, I might say an affluent man. This adventure must be achieved, if at all, auspice Merton. 'I also have much confidence in him, and I sincerely love him, said Mr. Macrae, to the delight of Logan.

It was entitled, "Some Remarks on the Apparent Circumstances of the War in the Fourth Week of October, 1795." Very unfortunately, this auspice was instantly followed by a speech from the throne in the very spirit and principles of that pamphlet.

That the King should be unwilling to sanction the raising an army under the immediate auspice of the avowed enemies of himself, and of the constitution he has sworn to protect, cannot be much wondered at; and those who know the Catholic religion, and consider that this Prince is devout, and that he has reason to suspect the fidelity of all who approach him, will wonder still less that he refuses to banish a class of men, whose influence is extensive, and whose interest it is to preserve their attachment to him.

"Why not?" inquires Corkey. "You bet your sweet life you tell me what your name is!" "N-n-n-noah!" "Why not? Tell me that!" "M-m-my name is N-n-noah!" exclaims the boy. "Ho! ho!" laughs Corkey. "Let's see them fingers! Got any more in your pockets?" "N-n-n-noah," answers the boy. "Got six toes, too?" "Y-y-yes, sah!" "A dead mascot!" says Corkey. It is an auspice of the most eminent fortune.

The college of augurs ranked second only in importance to the pontifical college, and their duties with regard to both augury and auspice are sufficiently clear.

Such auspice of the war To us was fair; and elsewhere new successes Befel, whereon the right Great Ares routing wheel'd the chariot-battle. For, posted at the seven gates, Equals to equals, seven chiefs To trophy-bearing Jupiter Payments of solid brass bequeath'd.

That the King should be unwilling to sanction the raising an army under the immediate auspice of the avowed enemies of himself, and of the constitution he has sworn to protect, cannot be much wondered at; and those who know the Catholic religion, and consider that this Prince is devout, and that he has reason to suspect the fidelity of all who approach him, will wonder still less that he refuses to banish a class of men, whose influence is extensive, and whose interest it is to preserve their attachment to him.

Under such circumstances, they will settle, in three days, which is to be the master which I take to be the most important of all marriage settlements. And, unless I am very much mistaken, it will be the right one the lady. My little heroine, Jerry Carroway, is engaged as their factotum, and every auspice is favorable.