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After a time a staccato burst of articulate speech issued from the box, and Costigan saw a great light. "You've got it hold it!" he exclaimed, waving his arms excitedly. "You see, Clio, their voices are pitched either higher or lower than ours probably higher and they've built an audio-frequency changer. He's nobody's fool, that fish!" Nerado heard Costigan's voice; there was no doubt of that.

With a long wave autodyne, or self-heterodyne receptor, as this type is called, and a two-step audio-frequency amplifier you can clearly hear many of the cableless stations of Europe and others that send out long waves. For receiving long wave stations, however, you must have a long aerial a single wire 200 or more feet in length will do and the higher it is the louder will be the signals.

For phonic communication a spherical sending battery is a ball of metultron, surrounded by an insulating shell of inertron, and this in turn by a spherical shell of katultron, from which the current radiates in every direction, tuning being accomplished by frequency of intermissions, with audio-frequency modulation.

With a long wave autodyne, or self-heterodyne receptor, as this type is called, and a two-step audio-frequency amplifier you can clearly hear many of the cableless stations of Europe and others that send out long waves. For receiving long wave stations, however, you must have a long aerial a single wire 200 or more feet in length will do and the higher it is the louder will be the signals.